
Who says she's a love interest. Rosamund Pike was the female lead in the first, but they weren't love interests.

I bet it took 1 take to get through it without breaking cuz they are PROS!

He's playing a "Noel Gallagher" character by acting like he's always acted for the last two decades plus? Huh.

He did it then and there to stop Blaine from killing anybody else. He had literally just experienced a vision of Blaine murdering somebody.

If she can't take it into her own hands, Liv has to get Clive involved now. I hate when the actions of main characters lead to more deaths and they don't do anything about it.

Great stories, but man what a snob about tv. Somebody please clue him in about how things work now.

This review does a terrible job of not spoiling the movie, which D'Angelo explicitly said he would not do. I don't mind, but he drops anvils on our heads to tell us the spoiler without you know…telling us the spoiler.

The best part about King Booker was how he would speak in King's English, then when he'd get angry, he'd slip back into his Booker T persona. Like when he told Jerry Lawler to put a crown on his head. "Look man, what is your problem? I said put the damn crown on my dome, you dig?"

Surprised Joss would judge before the movie comes out to confirm his suspicions. The director's first movie had a strong lead role for a young woman.

Time is a flat circle. Or something.

You sure about that?

Thanks all, I feel very stupid. But in my defense BTDKYD should be on every best of list regardless of timeframe.

I know lists are silly and arbitrary blah blah blah, but for the life of me, I cannot understand how a top 100 films list covering 15 years does not find room for "Before the Devil Knows You're Dead". That is just absurd. Did NO ONE bring it up?

Great pick. I loved this show when it was on. Very funny. Too bad it never found an audience.

I'd go lower than C-, but I generally hate any episode of a show where characters are tripping on drugs. High degree of difficulty to pull off, here they just seemed lazy, even as the scenarios came off as elaborate.

My problem with the show is that I do think they want the audience to like him. Laugh at him being a jerk, but root for him as he makes good. Feel bad for him as he declares his love for the pretty blonde he was lusting over. Be upset with him at the shrew wife he married.

Yeah, this isn't as new a territory as people recapping it or some in the comments think. And unlike Mr. Murthi, I don't really face a daily struggle of not being a total dick. It's pretty easy to go through your day without being a total, selfish dick to everyone. I do think there's great humor in this guy being a

Walter White lost his soul before the show started. The cancer gave him an excuse to break bad, but he was soulless after years of professional resentment with the way Gray Matter went down. His season 2 conversation with Gretchen over lunch is when the Mr. Chips turns into Scarface scenario went out the window.

This show has turned out to be a bit of a disappointment. Quickly abandoned the original premise, then abandoned it even more shortly thereafter. Every episode has fallen into a creative rut where Phil acts like a jerk and mutters friggin before making good in the final couple minutes.

Liz Allan is Hispanic in the Ultimates line, IIRC. They borrowed a bit from that line of books.