
Really needed more questions about Airborne. She looked incredible on Hung, like a totally different person.

Yeah, he's done several pilots. I expected this to be another situation where he'd film a pilot but then go back to the Daily Show because this story has popped up before.

All Good Things is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Not an easy feat to make Ryan Gosling (in drag no less) boring.

You want me to hold your hand?

You gain a lot of insight into the demos that come to AV Club by looking at the number of comments on Empire (biggest show on network tv and gaining viewers every week) recaps vs. those of other shows with much smaller audiences.

One of the best half hours of television I've ever watched. Everything was perfect and it was so much more emotional than I expected. I wish I could see it for the first time again and again and again.

Lucious seems oddly ok with Cookie running meetings at Empire and taking on more clients besides Jamal.

LOL I kind of did a double take when I saw that. Doubt he's making his biggest paychecks with Peaky Blinders.

Bingo. Marvel's done a good job of training people that there's only one way to do it. But they have the same motivations as WB does, making a whole lot of $$$.

Task Force X kind of proved your theory about the Suicide Squad wrong. Granted that's a show geared towards comic book junkies, but it's also an episode that works extremely well without knowing who Deadshot, Flagg, Clock King, Plastique and Captain Boomerang are before watching.
Ayer's very talented and I'm curious

I discovered King Dork when I was working a second job at Borders. I was putting a book back and just randomly saw it on the YA shelf. I picked it out because of the title alone and it was incredible. I had no idea he was doing a sequel, so I'm very excited to read this. I badly wanted to like Andromeda Klein, but

What was the tipoff to Broadchurch's killer in episode 7? I was binge watching so I don't remember a big slip up.

A for effort with the puns, but I had to go to another site to figure out what happened here.

Great Job, Internet should be reserved for something creative that improves upon another work, or is something entirely original. Not videos that make something great into something stupid.

He could WIN rather easily. He hasn't dropped the cancer bombshell yet and I can only assume he's waiting for the right moment to do that. If he makes it to the jury, he tells them the story there, he wins hands down. If he waits until he's in danger, it might be able to save him from being booted.

By the way, speaking of Bill Murray, every time Road House is on and he or one of his idiot brothers are watching TV—and they’re always watching TV—one of them calls my husband and says [In a reasonable approximation of Carl Spackler], “Kelly’s having sex with Patrick Swayze right now. They’re doing it. He’s throwing

Shame on the author for not linking to the Kelly Lynch Random Roles where she revealed that Bill Murray and his brothers always call Magic City creator/her husband Mitch Glazer when her Road House sex scene is on tv

Right, even better…guess I need to rewatch since I'm forgetting 2 entire episodes. Probably the cringiest ones.

I guess HBO has MADE a Hello Ladies movie is more of a fitting headline. Fargo sweetheart Allison Tolman is in it. I loved the 6 episodes they did, though I had to pause each one several times to get ready for the awkwardness. Glad it's getting a wrap up.

Why don't you be the subject of rape threats while your address has been published and tell us if you feel that threat is credible or not.