
Gets an A+ for casting, especially June Diane Raphael as Nurse Ratched. I guess you either love the characters or you don't. I love these detours and really twisted dark comedy. I wish it came later in the season to break up the monotony that we usually see in the middle of this batch of episodes.

My top 5 would be all Murakami novels. But I haven't read any other Japanese authors.

It had the bad luck to open at a really lousy time in this country, but success is exactly the word for it.

There's no argument for dumbest character. Charlize Theron's died because she forgot how to turn while running.

I can't remember the name of the villain that Michael Nyquist played, or even what he was after (another MacGuffin I guess), but I do know I liked MI4 a whole lot.

I don't understand what you mean by narcissisticly scene stealing. In his first show, he played six different characters. The scenes have always been about him.

That's why I said it's a shame they are tied to the ebb and flow of the movie universe.

It was a notch or two above late series Heroes. SHIELD had almost none of the fun and sense of wonder that (most of) the first season of Heroes at least possessed. Sucks that the show has to ebb and flow with the movie universe. It's best episodes came because of the good work that they did in Cap 2, not because of

Kevin Feige says that Neil Marshall directing a Black Widow movie is definitely something Marvel is interested in, but they don't have any plans at the moment.

That's a stab wound from Vamp, not a gunshot wound from Raiden.

There are any number of ways for people to challenge themselves. No espers for non-magical characters, don't use certain relics, no Catscratch, etc.

"why wouldn't I believe that more deaths were coming?"
Because Celes came back?

"takes away my sense of agency as a player"
That's the point.

You're wrong as far as the SNES and PS1 versions go. He says Ramuh told him you were coming in a dream and makes no mention of your failure to help him.

Mog doesn't die, though. You can still grab him in the WOR.

They aren't dead, right? Along with everyone else, they return on the airship in the scene with other allies that left the party and have been Softed by the wizard that sent them on the journey to help. Since they appear in the sequel, it appears that they aren't spirits, but were revived.

Ned Stark was at least trying to change things, though he was too noble to do it the right way/too naive to see that Renly and Littlefinger were pushing him to take over. Leo was content to serve an Emperor whose stated goal was to take over the entire world. Not a benevolent emperor, either. The ranks of Empire

You need to let Shadow die and see Relm's nightmare in Thamasa instead of Shadow's nightmare to get the whole story.

Lol, Leo was a complete sap. Great warrior, but no brain in his head. Either that or he was willfully ignorant at the atrocities the Emperor was commiting.

I thought you were going to talk about how Shadow chooses to die at the end of the game after the Boss has been beaten. That's pretty tragic. He knows his daughter is alive, only looked after by an old man, but he sends his beloved Interceptor off so that he can die and be reunited with Baram, his former