
This reminds me of the hilarious bit with Eric the Midget Actor, who refuses to play a gay role. Howard and the writer of a show he was on told him last year that his character on the show was gay, he just didn't realize it.

Fitting, since Moffat thinks the show is all about him.

If Herzog directs it and Cage is on board to star, it will be a winner.

In fairness, the titles of most shows on tv are dull, even many classics. This one just stinks because it's part of the lame "Bad ____" trend.

Breaking - Studio exec insists nothing is wrong, project will be better off in the end.

Wasn't that a B or B+ review of DOTPOTA? Seems like he liked it?


Your internet connection must suck.

If she's on Gotham, rights issues would undoubtedly keep her from appearing on Arrow.

Watch the rest of the episodes and you'll see how wrong that thought is. They get the benefit of the doubt.

That's a hot, hot take.

He says Spielberg was responsible for casting him in car chase movie (which should have been the title). Would you turn down Spielberg? Also, Michael Keaton was in car chase movie and he's still the man.

I think that's the only one in the original series where the murderer's identity was in doubt until the end. Not sure about the later episodes on ABC.

Damn it.

I agree, I just used Alisdair because he is the regular reviewer of Arrow and he would be the judge most open to giving it a big win.

"Superman lobotomized Doomsday to keep it from ravaging the planet."
Justice Lord Superman did this. Superman, along with several others, sentenced Doomsday to the Phantom Zone.

Worst Comment Tournament is on some other website, take this nonsense over there.

Even if Alisdair Wilkins was the judge here I feel like it would have gone for True Detective. It's just a silly matchup.

I loved Three Ghosts but I probably would have picked Seeing Red to represent Arrow.

Thanks for taking the time out of rewatching Breaking Bad to let us know.