
Why can’t my dog sit just outside the restaurant patio?”

Here’s what Barack Obama is reading.”

I’m a male whose been wearing makeup on and off most of my life (::does math:: for 27 YEARS! YIKES!) and I kind of feel like most of the male identifying people out there who would be comfortable wearing makeup are also the same ones who wouldn’t feel the need to have it specifically marketed to them.

I can easily wrap my mind around the idea of a racist in the White House. It’s just business as usual these days. But there’s actually a speechwriter? I can’t quite figure that one out.

Actually, it’s not fine the way it is, they need to stop that damn auto-play shit that happens if you hover over an episode or title for more than two seconds. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?

I love it! My first husband and I kept seeing this guy in the elevator that lived in our apartment building, and I even said to H1, “that guy looks cool.” (Meaning, then and now, he seemed like he listened to the same kind of music I do) And he was cute! Two years later, during our very amicable split, during which I

It’s kind of great to finally get together with someone you have known for a while. After my guy broke up with the girl he was dating, he was going on lots of first dates with people from apps, dated a few people briefly. He’s a friend of my brother (that’s how we met) and he kept telling my brother, “I wanna meet

Despite the years of decay, the researchers were still able to identify specific peptide markers, identifying the substance as a type of hard cheese.

This eminent scientist is on it goddess

He did, and she initially told him no. So, even though post-OTR show she was more open to it, she probably doesn’t want him to go. Not really. But, he was never honestly on the fence about this decision—he was always going to go to this show. He looked to the hivemind with the specific goal of rationalizing going

good god this is inane. having been present for the births of both of my children, missing them would not have been The Worst Thing Ever, and could be made up easily through the mandatory decades of subsequent parenting.

Your take home pay is the tips. I made 2-3x minimum wage, but I received bi-weekly paychecks for $0 dollars.

“The American heartland” always seems to mean unsophisticated red state WASPs. I really don’t care if I hear another word from them. We know who they are from whom they’ve voted into office (and stand by); and only courtesy of an outdated system, they are wildly overrepresented in congress and the electoral college,

Tweets about Omarosa summarized:


Never heard of Supreme. Is it “legacy” in just New York? Am I too old? Too young? What is happening.


I have NEVER put my liquids in a baggie, let alone taken them out separately. Have yet to be stopped for it at any airport.

Hey asshole, food preference isn’t food knowledge.