
Try a mozzarella grilled cheese with a tomato slice and smear of pesto on the inside and get back to me. However, if this grilled cheese is getting dunked in a bowl of Campbell’s best tomato goop, I’ll take cheddar please.

I always had a fantasy in my head of finally catching one of the douche bags who would do this to me in my bar going younger years and demanding at the top of my lungs to press charges for the textbook sexual assault that happened to me way too regularly. Never managed to corner one of the fuckers...

Exactly - taking “milk” off the carton of these items isn’t going to cure my lactose intolerance and make me go back to drinking regular cow’s milk. I know not everyone drinking soy/almond/coconut/etc. milk is lactose intolerant, but I hardly think it’s the “milk” attached to the name that is stealing big dairy’s

I miscarried a wanted, planned pregnancy. Because it was only 6 weeks in, obvious that nothing could be done to stop the process, I wasn’t hemorrhaging, and because my hospital is Catholic, I chose not to go to the hospital because I didn’t want to deal with the added trauma and expense. No one should have to make

Thanks! Glad you’re doing better, too. Turns out htat having to switch care providers due to changing insurance a month after you give birth means your new doctors don’t know enough about you to give a fuck when you say you’re not doing great mentally.

Same with the jealousy. I wound up exclusively pumping for 8 months - until valuing my mental health finally called my fight against my diminishing supply. My feelings of failure from not being able to nurse drove me into postpartum depression that I didn’t get diagnosed until after my son’s first birthday, despite

I am very familiar with the pee boner! It’s a great warning indicator.

I somehow missed Season 3. I’ve been waiting for it... when did it happen?

Also, newborn boys get boners. Did not expect that, also normal.

My dad INISISTS on only owning pure bred golden retrievers. Our first absolutely died of cancer. Our second had two brothers from another litter die of cancer before age 8 (a family friend owned them). He probably would’ve gone the same way if it wasn’t for that car that kept driving after it hit him (fuckers).

We think it looks like it’s falling apart. We realize that’s the design and think it’s a mess.

Just wanted to say that Jessica Simpson’s brand maternity clothes are the shit. They’re the only pieces I bought during my pregnancy that made me feel like a put together human woman and not an incubator whale. Definitely stocking up and giving her allllll the money for postmates next time around!

tbh, if that collection of giant rocks is ONLY worth $11 million, chances are at least one of those glaciers is definitely from the dime store.

I did some extended volunteer work rebuilding houses in the Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans back in 2011 with a non-profit that’s been so successful, it’s now involved in Sandy, Maria, and the Joplin tornado rebuilding efforts and was celebrated by the Obama administration (SBP, look it up). Anyway, even in 2011, those


You should add Lauren Underwood, running for US House of Reps to unseat Randy Hultgren in IL14, to this list.

I always wondered how to properly use a dish tub. Thanks for the step by step, honestly.

Yep. Naive 23 year old me stuck mostly to the script for a whole month. I mean, I started looking great, but it always struck me as odd that allllllll fruits were forbidden.

I once joined a gym and had a few sessions with a trainer who also was contractually obligated by the Gym to give me a meal plan, despite likely not having any substantial nutritional training. She was a bodybuilder. I didn’t find out until a year or two later that the diet she put me on was the one that bodybuilders

Reading the labels is why I became that obnoxious mom I hate that only serves her baby homemade baby food. I bought him a bag of yogurt melts once and didn’t read the label because they were from some hippy organic brand that I had assumed would have my back. Cane sugar was the second ingredient. Ugh. Being this kind