
My sister in law insisted on buying one with the unfinished wood and giving me her super nice $1000 crib because she was convinced that the paint on the nice crib was “emitting VOCs” that would poison her child. Am I a bad person for not telling her how much more toxic the chemicals they put in thee plywood of the

I went through a phase where I bought a lot of audio books to listen to on my commute and I usually wound up with the classics because they were the cheapest. This launched me into my Jane Austen obsession and I think you’re right, she’d write something excellent about all this. I do think it’s time to go listen to

...nuclear is spelled wrong in the word jumble. It’s ok though, I’m sure he won’t notice.

I wish I had more juicy gossip to share - I would if I had it! Like I said, this is just what I heard over Thanksgiving from my aunt who works for an Aldi supplier. I’ll pump her for more info over Christmas and report back!

Yeah, I can’t speak to the store level. Maybe it’s a completely different work atmosphere there - I hope it is! My comment was about what they put their employees through at the corporate level. Sounds down right sucky.

Somewhat off topic, but a relative works for a supplier of a certain food to Aldi in the US and now refuses to shop there because of their corporate culture. Apparently, they don’t let employees have a single personal item at their desks and actively discourage socialization among coworkers (at the corporate level, at

Don’t want to nitpick, but it’s just “Ukraine” not “the Ukraine.” Ukraine is no longer part of Soviet Russia, who referred to the region as “the Ukraine.” It’s its own country now. My Ukrainian neighbors in Chicago thank you.

I read that Yolanda Hadid piece as she “enjoys *killing* the holiday spirits with gifts of healing crystals and essential oil diffusers” and thought, yep, sounds about right.

Whenever people start going crazy over a super high lottery jackpot, I always whip out my calculator and figure out how much of the winnings it would take to pay off all my family’s debts and buy them all nice cars. I then will buy one ticket and never win anything. It is a fun pastime, though.

Don’t want to be that person, but Paris Jackson is Macaulay Culkin’s goddaughter, not niece. I clicked through to the People article simply because I was so utterly confused as to how they could be related.

Birth control and pregnancy shot me up from a 34B to a 36E in about 5 years’ time, with my boob resentment growing in proportion to my cup size. I know they’re not out of control, but they are way more than I want to handle. I can honestly say that the only bright spot about my looming double mastectomy (for my 87%

I asked my husband for a $300 shopping spree for new clothes for Christmas (I just had a baby and didn’t gain much so I thought it would be a good idea to wear my normal wardrobe until 33 weeks. Now it’s all shapeless and threadbare... oops). I’m hitting up all the early Black Friday sales and I’ve managed to get new

If you register with NBC.com, they give you three free credits (don’t ask me wtf these are) that you can use to watch “locked” episodes 1 and 2 on their platform. Now, they force you through 3 or 4 commercial breaks and stuff 4 commercials per break into your eye holes, but if you can deal with that and the shitty

Collins girl here, so I admittedly did not spend much time up in the Briscoe/McNutt end of campus, but this article was published in 1995 and (I’m assuming) at least a few years after the author graduated, so maybe it was called Hoosier Stadium then? And is Briscoe newer than McNutt?

I stopped watching mid-season with the episode where Meredith and Derek open their door and the adoption lady is standing there with their daughter. Something was going on in my life then - a move? a breakup? can’t remember - and I just never picked it back up after that mid-season hiatus. I am very ok with this. I

“It’s not like he sleeps in till noon and goes golfing every weekend, like our last president did.”

This comment is not entirely relevant, but I just wanted to say that I saw Hamilton finally last week and I hadn’t listened to the soundtrack at all and of course it was amazing and I am now obsessed. I am both proud of myself for getting an entirely virgin Hamilton experience, and upset that I waited so long to learn

I sincerely appreciate the strength of will it took for both parties to take part in this conversation and that they were both willing to share this with the public. I am glad to hear the guy educated himself on consent and claims to never have crossed those boundaries again, and I am willing to give him the benefit

Agreed that’s the best bet if you’re parking downtown and want to do touristy things. The app is more handy when you’re out in the neighborhoods - Lincoln Park, Wrigleyville/Lakeview, Wicker Park, Pilsen, etc.

I live in the middle of this. I am the wife of an oncology fellow and we just had our first kid 4 months ago. Even though my husband won’t take a daddy hit like his female colleagues would take a mommy hit, we very specifically timed our pregnancy so the birth of our son would fall in the lighter working hours of his