
hi, here I am. hate me!

oh, it's MR.D with yet an other racially themed post. you have issues man.

that is an incredibly bigoted statement. shame on you.

they flat-out lie about him, but really, that's part of his appeal to his supporters. it's difficult to explain. it's a form of fortress mentality. the more they lie and slander, the stronger his base becomes… and they still DON"T GET IT.

"I don't know any Trump supporters…"

that's one more racist statement to add to your collection on this page. what gives Mr.D? do you have some deep seated racial issues?

facebook is EXTEREMLY important and i'm sure that they were absolutely devastated!

a young voter who voted for Reagan in his first term would be in his/her mid-fifties today. yes, it's amazing that someone could still be alive in their mid-fifties!

shhh! he's too busy having fun mocking people who live in fly-over country.

it's a pejorative term, so be careful how you use it. remember, a good progressive never tries to offend anyone…. hahhahah! I can't believe I wrote that! you'd think that I hadn't just suffered through several posts of anti-white bile beforehand!

how many examples that disprove your theory would you require in order to change your mind? I can give you one example: myself. not even alive when Ronnie was the king. I enjoyed this trump mocumentary though. it was YUUGE!

that's very racist.

that's racist.

i'm one. I wasn't even alive when Reagan was prez and I REALLY , TRULY don't care if you think i'm stupid or not.

interesting article. thank you.

for me it made all the difference, considering that i do not have adult swim. i still get stuck watching youtube commercials so somewhere an advertiser is happy.

nice… golgo 13. loved the soundtrack…

it's a great show hands down. visually creative, well written, ironic, sarcastic, and never boring.

you're right. the show doesn't go for laughs by ridiculing or being mean.

you can also find kristen in the disney animated show "gravity falls", which is a really good cartoon. different than B'sBs but really good.