
an "IDF fundraiser" in the united states IS a political event, unless that was your point from the beginning.

it really sums up the election nicely: the guy who supports Trump is bullied and treated like crap to the point where he disengages and leaves. i'm sure that many of you have seen De Niro's anti-Trump video. I will always love De Niro in his best movies, but that video went beyond "rant" and into "meltdown" territory.

"Friends Of The Israel Defense Forces Western Regional Gala in Los Angeles"
lol. there's the first clue that something is wrong.

nice, thorough review. thanks.

lol, that was YUUUGE!

actually MR.D, you are the reason that Trump "exists". believe it!

your daughter should not be encouraged to commit acts of (*ahem* "accidental") vandalism. raise her correctly. it does suck that everything is being torn down to build condos these days but the blame lies with the city for allowing it.

the second amendment *IS* sacred.

wow, how did you find this page? you're a breath of fresh air.

many out there just like him. you nailed it with "soft spoken", which is why you don't hear from more of them. they are not keen to subject themselves to ridicule and scorn from the masses.

so, just basically everything that you don't like, right? lol. nice fantasy.

lol, good call.

at least fifty posts down, finally someone with a balanced view. thanks.

do you think it might be a little intellectually lazy to use two examples to represent a group of millions? aren't progs supposed to be against that sort of generalizing?

not like you, right genius>?

those are the words of a very insecure person Ben.

as trump supporter, I sort of agree with you. certainly those aspects of his personality appeal to me. for example, when that reporter a few months back was trying to shame him for using the term "anchor babies", his reaction was gold, err I mean… YUUGE!

NPR would never edit that out. it's exactly what they want! now, because of that one person, EVERY trump supporter can be demonized.

so he's just like most other politicians then?

hmmm… are you racist, homoerotic, or both?