articles like this is what keeps me keeping mine. well done!
articles like this is what keeps me keeping mine. well done!
I forget... are you in the DC area? i'll trade you for an hour. I've never driven an automatic!
11.5? this peaks my interest on m3s again.
what do the bolt on rings on the spokes do?
hey everything is brown! love how they tied the piece of crap together.
8million dollar car in a reasonable neighborhood. almost has to be photoshopped?
that would be funny if he got a family member to own the franchises. do the corporation PAC method and stick it back to them.
i recall in battlefield, you kill a bunch of chinese people commanded by a chinese general. nobody can be surprised by these games.
homage to orlove'd will flip on command.
the short coming they didn't think of is AC ports. if you spent all that time to rip out seats/overhead storage and dismantle the interior to install your wifi.... why didn't you put in some power ports so people can surf the entire trip?
i'm confused, they can enforce local vehicle standards on a car not from md?
if you really feel bad, avoid the lawsuit and just pay the family.
would buy in manual sportcup diesel version. thx
two recent united flights had the new seats and no screens. they're likely moving towards a model of using your personal device for their entertainment. that being said...why did they forget to put in power outlets while doing this is beyond me. nobody wants to drain their entire battery for a movie.
next car should be an abarth. the seats are so horrible it'll be funny seeing your pics and videos with 1/2 of it being the visor.
couldn't the dealer just do this to all cars. sell it at a set price like scion, limit profits and essentially pave the way for a non-franchised network? (helping tesla)
remind me again the model year that BMW started to do that?
Suggesting putting a larger sign to make people go slower assumes the cops actually want you to be proactive.
bigger question.. does the steering wheel tilt? can it accomodate someone taller than 6'?
Though it shouldn't matter, I hate being that tall guy in a tiny car.