

can't agree he was sitting properly. he looked like he was slouched over. could be just bad posture.

i expect my neck to look like that too when i'm 80 and almost kissing the steering wheel.

drive a bro truck. sit like a bro. quite simple.

i liked how the guy in the tundra drove sitting like a grandma

literally made my dream house. 16 car garage... 2 bedroom 1 full bath. haha

Critics often repetitively complain each new car is a mash-up of existing designs. The profile and shape are very X5-ish. That's a good thing. Most SUVs these days are all generally the same shape. Only a keen eye of a vehicle profile by a car nerd will discern a difference.

agreed. clearly mr. burke has never tried to carry a conversation while going for a jog. its hard as hell to sound like you're out of breath. good job Taylor

i admit my first questions are:

something this seldom used doesn't need an app. That's over kill. Just make that plate locked via standard key. They're making it more annoying than it needs to be.

i don't care about saleen or not. i'm talking about the price point.

manual wagons. nobody buys them except us

in this example there is no difference in the engine and at $40k its not just some engine flashing.

final gear ratio changed though...

person in the white contractor van that drove through the wreck is a motherfucker.

thats great and all.. but what is the electric range after all these changes? $40k should yield higher performance while changing no driveability (in this case empg)

will buy if domo headrests are included.

CP strictly due to the fact he shaved the fucking door handles off, the wheels are awful, and it's a slushbox

Virginia is not that bad. It's almost humorous to read some of these posts.

file this next to non-stock exhaust

why don't they have diesel? on the ford website they even address it saying it's a more expensive option. I can't figure out why diesels are most expensive aside from manufacturer pricing. is a diesel 3.5L that much more expensive to engineer than a HO Ecoboost?