windows are harder than u think.
windows are harder than u think.
its not a 2006-08. they took out the integrated fog lights in the headlight housings so as you see there is what looks like 4 lights on, it should be pre-facelift. the brake duct "vent" holes on the bumper appear smaller than the facelifted foglight equiped vent "holes"
sounds like a atypical mustang. no?
i mean it can't be that hard to convict someone right? it is in a warehouse (who rents it).... they have a phone number (likely he used his own), and there are probably finger prints all over the sucker.
i should clarify I wasn't trying to argue their financial position, but them "getting paid too much" isn't an argument, imo. they make more with their side jobs and likely too busy with those and campaigning to keep their puppet positions that benefit their private jobs to worry about a measly 200k.
ugh, i don't think you're actually reading responses including mr snootypants'. i said in comparison to executive level salaries and NOT the median US income.
how can this be remotely accurate? two friends decide to date? did they fuck too? cuz thats just weird to think of this idea over a cup of coffee....
done all that. still stand by that they don't get paid all that much relatively to how much they get paid outside of their congressional duties. Obama doesn't get paid all that much comparatively too at around $400k.
they make around 174-200k thats only more than 50%? I don't think that is over paid considering the job market for executive level salaries.... either way. they make multiples of that in the private sector. I recall most of them being probably the .05% top of wealth before going into office.
I would say "most" is even a stretch. tons of things designed in america are produced in China. tons of computer hardware, Apple products (say what you will they're solidly built based on numbers), clothes, shoes.. etc often times never just fall apart or fail. otherwise 'Muricans would never buy them.
congress doesn't get paid that much. Unfortunately they're often independently wealthy or strong ties to the commercial world so that's why they're so heavily influenced by money.
have you seen some of the rear view cameras on the market? ex. the cx-7 has a tiny one on the dash maybe a 4" screen. a lot of new cars are featuring LCD displays without navi too. so the screen is there. I understand the concern for more parts to break but we're well past that past 2000 when airbags are rampant…
why are rear cameras trying to be mandated? what is the argument? so you don't hit a pedestrian or so you don't ding up cars around you when you reverse?
unlimited pasta is kinda fun... just like unlimited shrimp at red lobster
they ported real cars to GTAIV?
i like the english way. instead of passive anger turned deadly. they get actively angry and shake hands after they're done raging.
good trolling response. what happens when you sell the bmw and get an audi?
what if the chopper went down on a charity mission?