only $60? $125 here in VA for the first offense. second one is $500 and points. third is more and more!
only $60? $125 here in VA for the first offense. second one is $500 and points. third is more and more!
thats worthy of a punch in the jugular.
cluster spaceX with it. no tesla no spacex. Houston, GFY
am I the only one who keeps scrolling up to see if there is a mustache?
whats the mkz?
so this guy is the perfect guy to sue VCA amirite?
high school cheerleaders rejoice!
need to know more.
In China, at least last time I was there, do not have regular road rules that we use. You think that since they have stoplights, this could be prevented. Unfortunately when a light is about to go green, it goes yellow first.... so you quite literally can anticipate the green. so what does every logical person think…
get a better picture and then ppl can help you. you cut off the shape of the left side of your piece. smh.
I can't figure out the perspective of this picture. what is all warped at the top? what car is it?
None of them are overpriced. The general public looks for pricing that they would be comfortable with. These people who buy these cars rarely are looking for deals, but more looking for ways to say LOOK HOW MUCH DISPOSABLE MONEY I HAVE! SO MUCH I CAN BUY THIS DUMB CAR!.
should have killed the american "fuck face". too bad they don't have gun laws like america does. (or do they?) That is an imminent threat.
great so we narrowed it down to one of the most common cars in northern virginia. lol
am I a bad person for judging european douchebag and labeling him as a douchebag due to my western point of views? ;)
i wish we had automated roads. It would be so cool to travel across the US in a thing like this. minus the awful lengths of driving required.
I hate drivers like me. I have been increasing my honk rate in recent years.
now imagine the impact a big seller like Corolla can have being such a 'heavy hitter' in sales. tried and true engine, yes but add some newer tech and your mpg/ride can improve. do drum brakes REALLY save that much money on that bottom line? The same engineering efforts that made a bomb proof transmission can make a…
I can't unsee this article. just awful..... Is this the same guy that does the reviews with some rankings and specs?
I'm not going to disagree that it isn't 100% new if there are a ton of left over parts. did you complain 6 years ago when the corolla CE was out? it was the "classic edition" and this past 6 years looked barely different from the previous gen. You point out that the steering wheel, center console, shifter, steering…