
Maybe we all don't know how much cabbies make.... he could be driving a black car and on uber all the time. My go-to cab driver in NoVa was once in the IT field, got tired of it and switched "industries". It happens. Its like quitting a desk job and working a food truck. Desk job is somehow more admirable yet you

it doesn't look like it was painted at all. which makes it absolutely heinous.

NO SYMPATHY. Mini driver is a tool bag. Did you hear the video? 0:40 mark:

whats annoying about those is that you can only see them from the front. why stop and not make it visible from all sides? the worst is when someone perpendicular to you can't tell you're trying to turn.

much like when some fatman at a computer desk or on his love seat criticizes some football player for "sucking", everyone criticizing this guy also had to learn some how and the best experiences (albeit sometimes painful) are those that end with telling yourself "welp I'm not gonna do THAT again". Using jack stands

they're not holding their value due to what you consider "serious demand" they're holding their value since they were made in such low volume and now discontinued. how many GXPs were there? 2000 or so? I would imagine everyone is hanging onto theirs and the handful that go on sale sell quickly. That is not a strong

it seems you didn't bother reading the article....

I have sympathy for the kid... ignoring the fact he kept trying to start it when it was on fire. I don't get that part. But I just had someone I know have a garage fire and he had 3 fire extinguishers and it took his car and tools with him. He said he doesn't wish that experience on any gear head as his baby was

just installed the racer XL set on my roadie! I have a jagwire now!

you are so obedient to not separate them! My girlfriend actually asked a similar question a few weeks ago when she picked up her rental from Hertz. They said they won't stop her from separating them (just use some wirecutters) but it is a $250 replacement fee for every lost key. there is no written cut wire charge

She looks like a ton of fun and easy going. Who cares if she gets more media attention than the best driver in NASCAR. I would say 50% of the time you will gain fame by your looks (look at movie actors) and the other half you will gain fame by your performance.

all I read was a gw douche lost his beater weekday car. guess he has to drive his Bentley now!

its not the tire being narrow, they jacked the fender too high in proportion to wheel travel...

I really really hope you review the Livue LB100! supposedly has even better day recording and night recording for a little more money

did you not know there was a DVR-207 now? looks identical but newer processor/no gaps?

what am I looking at?

I guess cuz 'merica. In countries like Bahrain, it will happen again. They will first beat your ass mob style. I would say you need to get your head checked if beating up 1 in a a gang of many is a smart idea and a "win" situation.

you really think someone will come out and beat those guys? no. what a internet pansy. you would sit in your car and be a tough guy on the internet. here in america and the rest of the world, we err on the side of avoidance.

someone say super stock? should sign up for SCCA. see what class they put him in.

.... is that the only thing you noticed that isn't genuwine Miata?