
Found the Max Verstappan stan in the comments......

Nah. Max had as much to do with the previous dust-up as Hamilton. RBR fans need to get a grip - shit happens and when you’re fighting for the lead, sometimes you need to back off. Take a look at Hamilton today, working his way through the field - minimal risks taken, maximum results. That’s the hallmark of a


There is no way Bottas crashed on purpose.

This really puts the term ‘pan-cake’ into perspective. 

I like this suggestion, but I also think it's funny, because a pancake is essentially cake batter cooked in a pan, and pouring the pancake batter into a sheetpan and baking it is, well, cake.

Sounds like you’re upset your buddies are chickenshits who got chased out of town by some uppity colored folks. Where’s Matt Gaetz when you need him? He’d have stood up to those bullies from Philadelphia. If Ben Shapiro was there, he’d tower over the rowdy dozen and protect the fascists freedom to be fascist.

Where’s the violence? Did any of them get beaten with clubs or other weapons? Did anyone go to the hospital, or get killed? Did one drop of pure white blood get shed? Did any of them even lose their kid’s costume riot shields?

The “crowd” of less than a dozen people exposed them for the posers and cowards that they are.

This 14 dimension stack look bad when considered arithmetically, but consider that likelihood of all those dimensions being at the extreme end at the same time is maybe 1 in billion or more - Cpk 1.66 and six sigma for 14 dimension stack. Additionally, stack does not really flow like you indicate, but rather features

If this was a Reddit AITA thread, it’s definitely ESH.

Koenigsegg is the visionary Musk pretends to be on his best days.

That sounds horrible but what if there had been a water slide at the beginning of the story?

A MANUAL Fusion?!

here, here ... and now to the former POTUS for his honorable comments ...

We had a patient in our dental office come in with a mesh mask a few weeks ago. You could just tell she was itching to talk to us about it. She gleefully told us how breathable it was and that “no one specified what mask you had to wear!” and that she has to wear surgical masks all day at work and nobody is going to

You’re a good man.

Hamilton was never a lap down. He would’ve been if not for the red flag of course, but them’s the rules. He got lucky.

Ok, I’ll bite.

Why did she bite rabbits?

Less dystopian in what ways, precisely?