I’m guessing this is where you’re supposed to collaborate and/or listen.
I’m guessing this is where you’re supposed to collaborate and/or listen.
The bar you use, is it possible to limbo under it? It seems like there’s very little room to clear *under* your bar. Maybe your bar isn’t high enough is what I’m saying.
You kind of sound like my kind of person.
No idea whether I was in the grey, but I appreciate the gesture regardless :)
Compared to the arrogance and sheer luck due to risk-taking that guides Verstappen, Hamilton truly is the greatest F1 driver of the last decade. And that bugs a lot of white stans, as is usually visible in comment sections. They love Verstappen almost solely for his decline to publicly (or otherwise) show solidarity…
I see Jaqoffs have evolved a bit. The right has never had to *take* ownership of cancel culture, they invented it. Just like it to have their spawn (i.e. you) pretend they’re asking questions no one’s wanting to ask because to every-fucking-one involved it’s bleeding obvious that this excuse for a human shouldn’t be…
Why put harassment between single quotation marks?
Ding ding ding.
In the grand scheme of things, taking the ethics as well as the logistical/ecological impact of eating meat into consideration as well, that $20 is both extremely cheap and way too expensive per 100 grams of protein.
Is CheapDate short for CheapDate DinnerForOne or is it the abdridged version of CheapDate WillGropeAndBlameYourClothing I’mTheRealFeministHere <3Elon<3? I can almost smell the 4chan/Proud Manchildren on you after browsing through your setlist, but my nose has been off the last few days so excuse me if it’s just your…
That is because you are an idiot and don’t care about facts.
How can you breathe when your lungs are also made of shit like every other organ and part of your being?
Seems like I’m trying to start shit where there shouldn’t necessarily be shit. My bad. Not going to argue semantics, I don’t think we disagree as much as I’m aiming for after reading some of your other comments.
The ad hominem was pointless, of course that doesn’t mean you’re an incel. The point you’re missing though, the character we saw on screen wasn’t just created by Kubrick/King. It was mostly created by Duvall, who translated descriptions and dialog into a character. In all fairness, it’s probably not far-fetched to…
I heard they were thinking more along the lines of Scarlett Johanson for Brick. Also, David Spade could pull off Claptrap, but the suggestion of Bobcat Goldthwait up above ticks the right boxes as well.
This is a supremely good take. STAAAR!
The irony of putting litre between quotation marks when referencing a statement made by a British man (who, against all imperialistic tendencies, chose the global standard unit to tell a tale of milk instead of the fairly nonsensical British units Americans have been too fond of for too long now) is messing with my…
Idiot. Duvall created the character. While written for and “directed”, Wendy was created by Duvall. You smell like an incel.
Ah, the infamous Mara Croft I see.