I certainly didn't draw the assumption that you assert.
I certainly didn't draw the assumption that you assert.
See, I took it to mean Produce as in fruits and vegetables. Produce the Night! Lettuce party! Carrot on my wayward son!
I bid at an auction for the first time earlier this year. What a rush! I bought a dozen eggs.
Him and Anne both seemed to lose something, and it was replaced with wistfulness. I think many of us relate to that because imagination and whimsy are bred out of us as we get older, but it's still so sad to read about.
I've read that LMM really didn't want to write more Anne books past a certain point, but the public/publishers demanded it. And I'm sure it was good income for her. I haven't read The Blue Castle in forever; going to see if the library has it!
I wish there were tons of Rachel gifs out there. I often find myself pining for one.
I found many of the Avonlea boys to be bullies or dullards; the girls certainly are much more complex (excepting Paul, who was an "outsider" himself like Anne). Interestingly, I trace my feminist beliefs back to all the historical fiction featuring strong female protagonists I read as a youth, and still read.
Roy Gardner, I believe, is the college boyfriend. (And I'm shocked how many of these details I'm able to remember... I wonder how many times I actually have read the books?)
At least in the movies, Marilla and Mrs. Lynde are my absolute favorites now.
The love I saw between them when I was younger was very much in line with the kind of patriarchal love I was taught was "right" as a child — the man does the pursuing, the man is the vulnerable one, the man is the one who must "prove his worth". I still like Rilla because she went out and did things that mattered —…
I know LMM didn't want to write it, but I always found Anne's House of Dreams to be the saddest, and the least-Anne focused. Yes, there was the tragedy of losing little Joyce, but it seems that Anne disappears, in many ways, after getting married and moving to a new community. Leslie Moore's storyline is an…
I would still rather be given a $100 watermelon than one of these atrocities.
More Fried Things that Fall Out of your Uterus.
Fried Period Clots.
Still a better idea than the Spider-Man musical...
Their names are very similar... Sweis... Weiss.... ILLUMINATI!
We should have a sidecar club! Although I prefer mine with bourbon, so maybe I will not be allowed in the club. And I too thought Sidecars were standard, or should be. (The first time I ever ordered a Manhattan, I got a martini but didn't know because I didn't even know what I'd ordered, just wanted to be fancy. Then…
400+, it was a bit ridiculous. We had about 180 at the reception.
I had to track down over 80 non-respondants. After email, phone calls, and FB, I just assumed no. It was shockingly rude.
I found a coat once! There were some coats and furniture and stuff in a yard in the university area, all labeled "free". I still wear it, it's a great rain coat.