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    You stole my comment!

    You are a good person. Or drum. You're good.

    Thank you for sharing, Lindy! I also read the CBC article. It's interesting that a major Canadian news outlet picked it up, but I'm not seeing anything on any American network website yet.

    Keep it in a spice rack.

    Do it when (if) you shave your pubes. Mustache pubes!

    We were always afraid of "blood red vans" (from Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco). Still am. Also, hockey coaches from Europe, thanks to Mighty Ducks. Don't love trash compactors either, thanks to the Brave Little Toaster.

    There's longer versions on Magnum's youtube page, with guest appearances by Zac Posen! This short one is my favorite, though.

    The HOMEMADE hot pockety things are sensual. The yeasty rising dough, the lovingly hand-chopped meats... you and I know the real value of portable pocket meals.

    Now playing

    He was in my favorite commercial of the summer.

    Name-brand only? I smell a monopoly!

    I think you meant to use the tag 'GOODvertising'. I see nothing but goodness here.


    Dress all in black, drape a black veil around the hat, be a witch widow? Witch vamp?

    Anything from Rocky Mountain Soap company. All natural, I can sometimes have sensitive skin, and smells amazing!

    Yeah! We had a piñata at our afterparty, only because my spouse is proper and didn't want it at the reception. We stopped at the grocery store in between in all our finery to pick up candy for.it.

    Yeah, I guess I don't get the waste involved here... what's wrong with a perfectly proportioned cupcake? Still adorably messy for pics, but not an entire cake covered in baby germs!

    I work at a library. The book drop is between the inner and outer doors, and in the winter, kids hang out in between to keep warm, and can be a nuisance. Occasionally we lock the outer door, and then they get mad at us and LICK THE DOOR. There'll be slobber marks all over it in the morning. It's stupid, and SO

    It was Uno Dice, right?

    If I'm ever pregnant on Halloween, I'm dressing up as a Matryoshka.