A) It’s a WC-130, which means “Weather.” The plane was used to observe weather events.
A) It’s a WC-130, which means “Weather.” The plane was used to observe weather events.
Who gives a crap?
Did you get your dad’s permission before taking that out of his closet?
I understand the guy’s got a side business in leatherwear:
I actually agree with most of what is said in this article, but there is one big area in which I disagree: I have come to completely despise “supercars” because of what they represent. When I see a supercar, I don’t see impressive engineering or stunning design, or even just something cool or pretty. What I see is a…
It hurts my soul just to think about hunting for parking every day. If I have to circle the lot at Costco one time, fuck it, I’m out.
If only they could figure out how to sell brown, manual wagons with AWD or RWD for <$2500 a piece, they’d make a fortune.
Coke and Kardashians. Dude hasn’t seen or spoken to a normal human in years
I’m sorry. When did this article become about Chuck D?
I’m going to try to bring my mom’s old ‘86 Si back to life over the summer, wish me luck
“a bunch of little cosmetic things,” AKA “shit I can safely ignore forever.”
I don’t really understand why people buy new cars, but I’m glad they do, because if they didn’t, there wouldn’t be any used cars for people like us.
Isn’t Trump just another example of New York exporting their shit to other states?
Trump will park it along the southern border and call it a wall. When the wind blows south, Mexico will be paying for it.
Lol, No you Californians have a funny view of yourselves.
The terrifying beast isn’t the truck, it’s the driver.
Its in the Bonus Clips
Look up “humor”.
I make fun of my wife’s CT, but let’s be careful throwing dangerous at a 10 second 0-60 time.
A tesla follows the wrong edge line because it’s newer and brighter - even the worst student driver can do better than that - so no they aren’t better than student drivers.