
We lived on an old farm land in the 70's, my mother would rent out the fields to the local kids to race their cars. They took off doors and panels and mufflers and I would listen to the sounds deep into the night as I lay in bed and was only about 7-8 at the time. Good times.

Wow, so much racism here. As a Caucasian male, I can say that white people do a lot of shitty driving too. I frequently see people of ALL races and ages moving from the farthest lane on the left to the farthest lane on the right, cutting off a few cars and almost hitting a median to boot, to get where they are trying

Are we sure that this is not a Hyundai?

Thoughts and prayers

If only there would have been a good guy there with a tanker to stop them.

I’ve heard you can just take a little bit, and it will grow back, like pruning an apple tree.

I hope this doesn’t mean another divorce.


Sure, with that tailfin mod.

Try reading muchacho.

I love those front seats.

Odd numbers are odd.

I think he is referring to the brim of the hat.

What the hell is going on here?

Tracy’s backyard.

Texas clay can stop anything. Anything.

That’s one hell of a redneck/white trash festival of stupid right there.

How long was I gone?