failure rate of tesla vehicles from new release is abhorrent. very nice cars though. there are no guarantees they’ll ever commit to 6sigma.
failure rate of tesla vehicles from new release is abhorrent. very nice cars though. there are no guarantees they’ll ever commit to 6sigma.
hey hey, edging is cool. is like vaping
you sure do pull stats outta our ass bromo.
pauvre bebe. you are fos... i’ve had both. i kiss the ground every time i’m back in the true north. it would seem you don’t understand/grasp the concept of the discussion.. more proof of your ineptitude.
ahhh. those damn ‘cartels’
You still work here. How quaint.
groovy? ok Stephan. groovy it is.
they were carrying guns. very idiotic. they look like little kids all adults in uniform playing with their toys.
Comprehension isn’t a freebie is it.
Rando..the consumer who took on more debt than they should is to blame. Do you think anyone wants to pick up the pieces of folks who can’t do math? I’m not here to pay for your on.Jeep on. Rando
You haven't railed against shit. Always about drifting, party at sema blah blah blah.
Bmw driver proud of m3 and driving distracted. Adds up
ford medium duty trucks aren’t on the radar of savvy companies.
i put 700 a month in the bank. i couldn’t afford the car in the first place, so i keep driving my trusty car and spend 100 month on fixing it. twice a year i put the same cash down on my mortgage. not much longer until i don’t work anymore. tha tiwll be boring.
you are smart guy for sure.
you do know the fix is in...don’t you?
Canada goose is Like Lexus. Shit people buy when they don't really know
Sand workx
Xice suck.
Hi Alan, we have your brick in storage... Never to be returned to you. You shall remain a brick short forever