its aall about the god damn ‘rust threw’. gets jeeps all the time. those slagging union welder have no clue how a fucking car is built. welts aren’t checked by operators... qc of welds is typically group leader activity...
its aall about the god damn ‘rust threw’. gets jeeps all the time. those slagging union welder have no clue how a fucking car is built. welts aren’t checked by operators... qc of welds is typically group leader activity...
18000 jeeps = class action. only in amerika
Weld failure in cars will be limited to one area. One welding jig or robot had bad tips for a period of time (looks like 16hours of production). Kinda strange. Companies that care check welds more than once per shift. Further, there are definitely redundant welds happening. If we had one weld problem (the check…
Geese? Those aren't geese zip tie and screw to the wall..and then cut them off to get at the cord? ahh. cool zip tie and screw to the wall..and then cut them off to get at the cord? ahh. cool
i spend ~1200 a year on my car. i replaced my AC once already.... no biggie. my mechanic is top notch. i only change my seasonal tires as PITA to take them 200km back to the city from the lake...where i can/do wrench...just not on my car. when you know your car’s faults, fixing them is often better than buying…
most know enough not to buy them..
Kristen is Lil Tay’s great aunt.
SEC is looking to ban him from boards/position of power in any company
Tesla isnt a tech industry.
the support for Elon is interesting. he is guilty of a serious crime. there are no ifs/ands/buts here. If anything, it should be clear now just how much Elon needs help.
Elon is off the rails...and shortly to be off the board/control of this company. jail time would be reasonable.
that’s all your government does...print fake money. how could they condemn themselves?
Eat some beans. You'll be fine
You like it you don’t. Grow up’s about time.
There is Bk. Bk is legal and should be used. You sound smart, but not savvy
We take in a lot more than you do We pay cash for everything. Everything. Fuck credit.
Bk for the win. Don't's legal and it is not wrong.
your twin