
Hanlin is actually a crisis actor who self-published a “porn” image of himself as a staged event to promote online censorship and anti-1st amendment rights. Look at the angles of the shadows around his ball sack and it’s pretty obvious the image was taken in a mirror. Keep an open mind.

I’m pretty sure literally every Trump voter has at some point.

See, this confuses me: Trump will “be a great President,” according to this asshole, but he’s getting led around by his idiot children, putting his confidence in dumb-dumbs like Conway and Kushner and the like, and making “disastrous decisions.”

I strongly believe that, in another three years or so, Jerry is going to look a whole lot like Dan Akroyd’s character in “Nothing But Trouble”:

I’m starting to think this Trump guy might be a bit of a fucking moron.

If by ‘neat’ you mean ‘dystopian’, yeah. Neat.

“This is horrible” should replace E Pluribus Unum on all of our money.

#Whatif Colion Noir wore a hoodie at night and walked through a gated Florida community?  

To be fair, pretty much all customer service sucks nowadays.

Commercials? GREAT idea! Everyone knows millenials watch tons of commercials in 2018!

He met with the video game producers last week. I’m guessing we’re going to be seeing more of this:

Our problem is that we have snow. Your problem is that you have a school shooting every 2 weeks and still do nothing about it. Last week a puppy died in a plane because he was put in a overhead compartment. Politicians are now passing laws forbidding airline companies from doing that. Meanwhile you have no problems

Don’t forget the dijon mustard. That guy was the WORST.

Look, Republicans can’t sit around worrying about piddily things like the welfare of US servicemen and women who serve in combat after they come home.

Clearly this is not the type of teacher Trump was talking about when he proposed this plan. He wants teachers who are trained in firearm safety...what was that...he was trained by the police less than a year ago?...BUT he wants teachers with backgrounds in the military or law enforcement. Obviously this

The only thing surprising about the report is that it was released without “evidence” blaming everything on President Obama and Secretary Clinton.

12th man hates 13th amendment.

Ego; I’m white, I’m rich, therefore I know shit.

I mean he is already not enforcing the sanctions they all passed into law.

We’re for “states rights” when its what the Republicans want, and we’re against “states rights” when its what the Republicans don’t want.