
“We don’t really need our pickup trucks at all, really.”

Did you say “practical” and “functional?

Solution: Make that shit out flat plates.

Unless this is some sort of magical leather, the “pull a burning log out of a fire” is total bullshit. Or possibly, they are suggesting that you should pick up something on fire from the cold end.

Unless this is some sort of magical leather, the “pull a burning log out of a fire” is total bullshit. Or possibly,

Because it’s become so fucking expensive, the people paying back loans can;t do anything else.

If he could make a policy and stick with it, it would be easier to digest. However, he loses all his credibility when he goes on a Twitter rant, claiming he’s going to penalize Amazon/Boeing/GM/Ford/Harley or whoever, which impacts their stock, then does NOTHING.

Spoiler on a pickup, from the factory.

If you’re in the small minority that drives that distance on a regular basis, EVs aren’t for you. I’m with you on that, and one of my rides is a big-ass truck that has power and range that I frequently need.

Designing something at BMW must be like writing something with George Lucas. The boss keeps doing the most ridiculous, unbelievable shit ever, and nobody has the power to stop them.

Why can’t the kids just roll a joint?

Not a vaper, so I’m wondering what a “vape app” does?

Don’t worry - this bike will be good for 10-20 minutes at a time. Imagine the riding position.

Because it’s the only way an asshole like you would care that it’s unusable?

Then buy it and punish yourself with the “back seats”.

There’s no way to get humans in a “back seat” in the pictured vehicle without using a wood chipper or really big blender. It may have four doors, but it’s got two seats.

I was recently passing through Portland, Oregon and signs in the concession areas said “we require our vendors to sell at the same price that they charge outside the airport”. I didn’t have time to check it out, but I like that idea. It seems like a very Portland thing to do.

No one could ever forget Gene Simmons’ iconic I Am Indy promo song for the 2007 IndyCar season

I agree with much of what you say, except this:

One one hand, it’ll be a great little “truck” for city dwellers. Small, efficient, well built, etc.

I think the worst part of flying is hearing how fucking terrible it is.