
Just like a random Clinton supporter spreading birtherism was quite indicative of the mentality of many of her supporters in 2008. Or calling government services "free stuff" was indicative of the mentality of her supporters in 2016.

I mean, it was a random phone banker. But I guess that is exactly the same as "campaign manager". In the same way Clinton's "campaign manager" started the "birther" rumors in 2008, right?
Like many South Carolinians, Scott has received calls at home from phone bankers. She said one of these entreaties

They didn't though, did they. Otherwise she might have won WI and MI.

Considering being a "Democrat" only requires one to call oneself and consider oneself a Democrat plus the fact the Charter and Bylaws of the Democratic Party (Article 5, Section 4) requires the "national officers and staff of the
Democratic National Committee maintain impartiality and evenhandedness during the

"though perhaps Tony Silvercreek structures his work similar to one of
those "no fee unless YOU collect" lawyers hawking themselves on TV all
of the time"

Oh, wow. I went to college with one of the creators. Good for her! I'm glad to hear this is pretty good. Though we all graduated in '06 so haven't been "twenty something" for a minute now.

That statistic is so stupid. Of course trump voters had a high average salary. He was the GOP candidate! GOP voters have on average a higher salary than Democratic voters and GOP voters voted for trump. The issue is the voters who don't always or even typically voter for the GOP. Why did they vote trump this year?

Maybe those 700 odd counties in states Obama won in 2012 which voted for him twice had an invasion of the body snatchers style event where all those Obama voters were replaced by incorrigible racists very quietly over a 4 year period.

Growing up in St. Louis (as recently as the early 00's) one would go to a person's house who had a parent who worked at the brewery and there would be a room full of beer because they got free beer, I believe, once a month as an AB employee. I don't know if they still do that now it's owned by InBev.

Abortions for some, miniature flags for others. When Hillary and Donald stopped shaking hands at the debates I was surprised because everyone knows that is the simplest way to exchange long protein strings.

I remember that scene. I think I read (on the AV Club somewhere) those were stunt boobs.

"Nat Turner's violence, for one thing, was not a "tiny portion."

What part isn't true? Did Nat Turner not help fellow slaves deliver a tiny portion of the violence their oppressors caused back on their oppressors? That's the meat of it. I understand there are elements which have been enhanced or even made up out of whole cloth (in that their may not be evidence for the events

"I'm not interested in a film that falsely reduces it to a titillating revenge narrative."

They clearly aren't related. That Steve Harrington kid is way goyishe looking compared to Ben Schwartz.

Re: The NO on 60.

Haha! Oh my god, that small penis joke was so funny! You were one of the writers for Ghostbusters 2016, right? Or were you part of the marketing team? With that kind of hot fire no wonder the movie did so well.

It was definitely heroin. That's why Chandra bought pills for Naz to feel "well". The pills were opiate pain pills like oxys or percs. But I think inmates would smoke crack if it was there.

And now that I think about it, "sin" and "bad" is so on the nose. We get it. Naz is Sinning and becoming Bad and Sinbad was a fictional Muslim sailor who went on voyages but got shipwrecked and had to use his wits to stay safe during his adventures. Just like Naz is travelling but gets "shipwrecked" and stranded in a