
It's funny in Australia too. My grandparents had an old book of childrens' poetry at their house and one of the poems was called "Wooloomooloo" about how weird a word it is.

ooof. Snoop's verse is, um…lackluster.

God, her Australian accent is so terrible in the brief trailers I've seen on TV. As an Australian living in America it's making my PTSD brought on by drunken idiots trying to do my accent the first time we meet flare up. It's offensive an Green and Gold face portrayal by a non-Australian. I swear, if she uses archaic

Remember when we all used to do everything in our long white tee? Those were the days. We ate laffy taffy and leaned wit it like nothing else mattered.

Bears are eating hats as we speak. Show a little more sensitivity. They better be taking everyone to Tijuana to make up for it.

O'Malley would have won.

Except a large chunk of people voted Obama and switched to trump. So….

It's gone now. But there is a new pizza/beer place called Slice and Pint in the old Everybody's location which is really good. Man, a group of us Emory Law students used to go dominate Everybody's trivia and rake in the house cash. We were such competitive a*holes.

I said the same thing. But my girlfriend made the point that we allow ugly, bad bodied dudes to get with hot women in tv and movies without batting an eyelid. Lena Dunham is upending the patriarchy by casting guys who are miles out of league!

Yes! Victoria street is where its at. I grew up going to Tho Tho's. The best was eating at Tho Tho's in winter before going to the football at the MCG.

There are 2 Pho Kings in Atlanta. It's not funny.

Shitty? People making that kind of money already don't pay much, if any, federal income tax. That's why trump's plan gives the lions share of its benefits to the rich. And as someone below pointed out, 99.8% of estates pay $0 estate tax (death tax is a stupid Frank Lutz marketing term). Joint Committee on Taxation,

Yes! He's a god damn idiot who I'm seriously on the fence about whether he can read things like legislation. As long as the gop makes him think it was his idea he would sign anything.

But he's going to sign what ever "religious freedumb" bill the gop puts in front of him and will be appointing (from the looks of the list he provided during the campaign) SCOTUS judges who will whittle away gay rights as much as possible without completely ignoring the concept of stare decisis. Actually, I'm being

Obama's daughters were partying on property run by the National Parks Service?

Wow, it took trump actually winning but finally some guts from the media to call him and his flunkies out on their bs.

I princess superstar still around?

You were talking about the subtly racist people who thought Black people shouldn't vote for Clinton. That would include the huge number of Black people who didn't vote for Clinton as compared to voting for Obama (or voted third party). Since they also apparently thought Black people shouldn't vote for Clinton.

Sure, that must be it. A Sanders phone banker was parroting racist stereotypes of African Americans in an attempt at Black voter outreach rather than clumsily referencing a point of debate that had been mentioned by both campaigns. Like in Columbia, South Carolina.

And yet they didn't in the general election. Maybe those subtly racist Black people also questioned why a relatively small number of Black people voted for Clinton in the primary?