
So in the end the show was about how the criminal justice system changes everyone it touches, for better or for worse. Cool, I guess. It was laid on pretty thick there at the end. But if I'm in jail pre-conviction and pretty sure I'm innocent I feel like I'd get my jail tats on places where they are visible when I

She was made to be a shockingly bad lawyer in the end. Like not objecting at any point during Weiss' cross which was essentially one long speech about how guilty Nas was.

Yeah, that was Stone's "turn". Weiss gave a damn about the truth, Chandra career as a lawyer is over, Nas is now a heroin addict, and Stone likes the cat. Eh…?

The SBS boob scene that still gives me nightmares was this German thriller when in the end the lady was topless, tied down lying on something, and the villain had a straight razor.

I said this somewhere down thread, but all of these 80s Jackie Chan films are incredible not just because of Jackie, but because of his unbelievable stunt team.

Ah, SBS late night boobs. In pre-wide spread internet, pre-cable tv Melbourne it was the best place to see them as a young kid. Jeez I feel old. I remember when optus first brought out cable in like 1997 or something and only my friends with the richest parents had it.

The mall scene in Police Story is so nuts. It's just 10 minutes of people being thrown through glass windows, glass display cases, glass glass. And then when he slides down the pole through the lights into the gazebo! That scene is also a great example of how it wasn't just Jackie Chan who was an incredible physical

Whenever the Three Brothers get together it's always a lot of fun.

Police Story. The bus scene. The mall scene! It is ridiculous.

My favorite stand alone sketch was the hyper-minimalist architecture firm.

Give me some of that supercool. Don't make me use this poo stick!

I had the titular line in the AV club comment section. Do you want to play cards with Jesus? You'll have to put on this time travel dog collar.

Non-managers definitely don't. $7.25 at 40 hours is only $290 a week.

While this was in Canada and I'm not familiar with their wage and hour laws, in the US being paid a salary DOES NOT mean you are exempt from the overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (law requiring overtime and minimum wage).


It is the perfect thing to wear with a feather headdress.

And the Amish. They never, ever voted en mass until 2004 when they suddenly realized stopping other people from doing something the Amish were not going to be forced to do was more important than centuries of religious tradition.

I swear, if you put spices in that soup….

Yeah, but how much butt talking did she do?

They definitely should not have had that Andrea Dworkin cameo.