
Just to get out in front of anything that might happen during the game, league officials have stated that any player attempting a snow-related celebration will be flagged - and fined - for excessive Tauntaun.

You've obviously not studied fluid dynamics nor surfed water orbiting close to a black hole. It's a whole 'nother ballgame.

This sounds fascinating to talk about. Do waves break because they move from deep to shallow water, or do they only break specifically because it's in shallow water in general? What if it isn't actually a wave, but rather an enormous tide, brought on by the ridiculous gravitational pull of that black hole. What if the

Two words: fan fiction.

No contest:

I saw the film yesterday. To me, the disaster that's befallen Earth in the movie is just a catalyst for humans leaving, not the point of the movie itself. I appreciate that it didn't spend time on how many ways humans can screw up the Earth. If anything, it's more about how things outside our control can screw up the

"Live fast, die young, and, if you're lucky, be reduced to nothing more than a smoldering pile of ash."

Breaking Bad. Battlestar Galactica. Mad Men. The Walking Dead. Star Trek: The Next Generation. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. LOST. The Simpsons. Futurama. Community. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

To name but a few. And I'd put all of those shows and about a hundred more over Doctor Who on any given week.

A moment of silence for my Doctor Who Fanboy crush.

Everything that is wrong about the show was here in full force.

Actually your comment just convinced me to see the movie. I've been dying for a flick where - get this - science and progress aren't the bad guy!

clearly you missed the entire point of the article, and probably shouldn't see this movie since it will no doubt be wasted on's sad that idiots of your caliber get a voice thanks to the internet...rants like yours make the other readers of this website look bad by association...sigh...

And unless it's a pissing contest with the Russians, we're not interested in going into space.

Angry pessimism that drives people to do great things is my favorite kind of pessimism.

And yet we still don't have a Rendezvous With Rama film or miniseries, which is weird since it's by far Clarke's most filmable book.

Seriously, her sister doesn't even care about where Beth is.

For real.

I love the sight of sun glinting off alien seas in the morning.

All if this has happened before and will happen again.

"Bitch took my ride"