Just to get out in front of anything that might happen during the game, league officials have stated that any player attempting a snow-related celebration will be flagged - and fined - for excessive Tauntaun.
Just to get out in front of anything that might happen during the game, league officials have stated that any player attempting a snow-related celebration will be flagged - and fined - for excessive Tauntaun.
How hard would it have been to call the guy's campaign and ask for some evidence of his participation on the football squad? Because the only issue that really mattered for most readers was that you were impugning the guy's credibility, the least you could have done was try to maintain yours.
I'm a libtard in Maryland who getting real sick of the bullshit and dismissing this stuff from my side. Deadspin and Gawker don't get passes because they agree with my politics. Thanks A. Douche
Yeah amazing I don't believe you at all, And based off your bullshit article I have no reason to believe you. Its was a easy chance to trash a Republican and you took it without doing any real research on the story.
Guess you missed Senator John Walsh and his admitted plagiarism, Teddy Kennedy's fine job of driving a young woman into the drink and abandoning her, let alone Bill Clinton's serial abuse of women. But, I guess to you, they are not shitbags, they are just like minded individuals.
As a lifelong Royals fan born almost 9 months to the day before their last trip the post season ended I can honestly say I wouldn't be upset. It'd suck for them to make this far, in the way they did and then lose it, but every new game is one being played with house money after the last 29 seasons of cashing out…
Best fans in Missouri.
All I know is, this Lo Pan character comes out of thin air in the middle of a goddamn alley while his buddies are flying around on wires cutting everybody to shreds, and he just stands there, waiting for me to drive my truck straight through him with light coming out of his mouth!
Water is wet.
Well what are YOU doing to stop the spread of American Sign Language?
What gets me here is that this is coupled with the taking of Crimea (an economically-terrible idea), the Sochi Olympics (ditto), the 2018 World Cup (bigger ditto)...I mean, there's no possible way they're not headed for a massive collapse.
This is a sub-blog for food-related stuff.
Dammit, I would've just dismissed the original dumbass comment, but this is way too funny for me to do so now.
I want to scream about Guardians of the Galaxy! That shit was good!! Fuck you, Pinkham!!!
In Russia- dick punches you.
You're subverting the issue because you want to comment on something else. There is no 1 to 1 in politics. Most children learn this rule as life isn't fair, buck it up.