
I may be in a minority, but I think they can do it in six. It seemed to me they had wrapped up the major threads by the end of season 2. And then they drop those hypersoldiers from ANOTHER altered timeline in the present. If they hadn't done that, I think I could have called it a win at that point.
I have enjoyed

They knew where she was going. They knew what her mission was. There was nothing incompatible with what elderly Murph said about Brand and her situation that couldn't be surmised by what they already knew going into the singularity.
And given that, Brand still could have transmitted, just as her late love did, back to

I followed the I09 suggestions for catching up with the series "now that it is good". That was a pretty good roadmap to follow, and I just watched episode 8 this weekend.
Great TV, and very Josh Whedon. I'll go back and watched the episodes I skipped from season 1 during the hiatus to get my fix.


It was too loud. Sometimes, like at the launch, it obscured the dialog. At the black hole scene, the guy next to me in the theater put his fingers in his ears.

If you want to go that route of nitpicking a zombie show, gasoline spoils in less than a year.

Or anywhere, for that matter.

3001 will have the earlier film providing familiarity to the public. I think it is as simple as that.

The Master again? Meh. At least no Scissor Sisters song.

Nailed it. When she said that line, I was convinced it was Romana. (I thought it was Rani up to that).

Yeah, I gave up two episodes into the first season. It was disgusting, with little point, it seemed, other than to be disgusting. It had the whole "killed drug lord, in basement; now have to dispose of the body" plotline early on. I quit.

I about gave up on it in Season 3. Then the new showrunner wrote "Clear", and tehn the last season was great with him in charge. The season opener was one of the best eps ever. WALK WITH ME, FIRE ZOMBIES

Wow, that's really a piece of crap.

Spear of Athena? Cool.

Is that available somewhere for purchase?

"(It's not that long ago that the Doctor was similarly rude and dismissive to Mickey Smith, and it was played off as a joke.)"

They have discovered exoplanets that are divorced from any stellar system floating through the cosmos. By that definition, they don't meet two of the criteria given.

If Scotland votes for independence over this particular issue, it will just confirm to me whether or not the voters belong at the grown-up table.
Separate from the EU and the pound, but BY GOD you'll never have never-used nukes on our soil! That makes total sense.

I loved Edge of Tomorrow. I daresay that it was the best Tom Cruise movie since Minority Report, and the second-best summer fare next to Guardians of the Galaxy.

Except that the Io9 article says, "On the other, it's unsettling to see the effect that a slight dip in vaccination rates can have in places like California, where the percentage of kindergartens in which at least 8% of students".
Eight percent. Which means that the chart above is pretty meaningless in this context.