
Measles exploding in California?

In certain scenes, I thought, "That guy could have been the rebooted Kirk?"
There was a bad call, Ripley; a bad call.

You like me!

They need to bring back the character of Romana. Both iterations of her (I particularly liked Romana I) were awesome; ever the Doctor's equal.
Give us another Romana for a season, Moffat!

"... Few people list Nyssa as their favorite companion, or even among their top 10 or top 20 favorites."

Didn't the Star Wars prequel suck the life out of all of us?

Drop that fraker. Twice.

My wife hates sci-fi and comic book movies. She owed me a movie, though, and I took her to see this.
Now all she can talk about is how she wants a dancing baby Groot.

A bobblehead? No thanks.
How hard is it for marketing geniuses to give us this?

Keep the plates in the air as long as possible. There is no endgame, not a desirable one, anyway.

You ever eaten Rakfisk? That's enough for a trade embargo right there.

I know that we're looking at Pong-level pixelization, but Pluto's not appearing very round in that image. It is round, correct? That's been established?

I thought the Pegasus was the best Battlestar design of them all. That sucker screamed warship. And two runways per pod? Very cool.
And I preferred the organic Cylon basestar design as well.

Word. I couldn't get through the first film even. One hour, and they STILL haven't left the house.
I'll sit it out for the remix.

Unleashed brainpower? Scarlett, please.

Falling Skies' Han Solo and his hot Chewbacca.

Falling Skies' Han Solo and his hot Chewbacca.

Falling Skies' Han Solo and his hot Chewbacca.


Boy, you should have quit midway through the first season then, because it was pretty obvious that's where it was going.