
Whom does the new regulation benefit? WOMEN. Under-paid in undervalued positions, overworked. Haven’t heard yet what solution employer’s Corp HR will implement by Dec 1, but the shitty creative jobs, and shitty fashion jobs, are like 90% held by females here. If you’re working weekends and traveling to nyc from Texas


Feel you, grrrrl.


*40k women in the US

While I agree that human and financial resources may be better spent elsewhere in the medical field, I take exception to the suggestion that “boob cancer” is trivial.

I have breast cancer. Back in November when I was first diagnosed, people were encouraging me to fight fight fight—a cognitive tool that did not resonate with me, as I am passive AF (and it’s my cancer, my narrative, anyway).

Thank you!

The larger the tumor is, the more likely it is to have shed asshole cells to the lymph nodes and elsewhere. Tumors greater than 2cm, regardless of node status, come with higher mortality rates. But tumors, depending on subtype, other factors, and of course on the human hosting it, grow at different rates. So “Early”

I used to LOVE showering and washed my hair everyday. Now I am 3/4 thru TCHP chemotherapy. In addition to the more important scalp-cooling device, in an attempt to save my hair, I’m not allowed to wash my hair more than once a week, with everything-free shampoo.

Thank you. I'm going in for my fourth of six infusions tomorrow, and that means a lot.

PSA, you guys. You can totally develop breast cancer under the age of 30, with no family history, and no BRCA mutation. I know because I have invasive ductal carcinoma. (4.6 fucking cm, grade 3, stage II by the grace of the swimming cauliflower beast.)

For realsingtons.

I made ice cubes in an ice tray in the freezer and put them in a Tupperware so I could have ice for later.

T-Pain is every emoji

Why don’t we just launch a dirty spoon there? Doesn’t matter whether life is there or how life got there; what we know is that life can live there. Why aren’t we all flinging our microbiota there to Nflix and chill?