I'm giddy! These adults who valued football over a young girl are the worst people in the world. I hope the are ruined. Ruined!
As an atheist, I'm a little out of my element, but I think I may be having a religious moment here.
Also reduces the likelihood of implantation of a fertilized egg, btw. Which I don't consider morally problematic at all, but if it only prevented ovulation it would be totally fucking useless for a good chunk of the menstrual cycle, when in fact it reduces the odds of pregnancy even after ovulation.
That's not how Plan B works. It works as an extra strong does of birth control that keeps you from ovulating. If you have already released an egg, it won't do jack diddly. It terminates nothing, but simply prevents an egg from being fertilized in the first place. Check out this for more of an explanation: http://www.oh…
Big lol to the people who think that because a man-made pill doesn't work to artificially terminate a natural pregnancy in some women that means that "nature" is saying something about how being fat is bad.
Then you may as well never believe in anything, because there ARE no internally consistent social movements. Human beings do not magically become a hivemind when they all belong to the same activist group. Feminism, civil rights, gay rights, any every religion in history have countless splinter groups and offshoots…
Yeah, and then the way she further money-grubbed by not monetizing the videos at all! It might seem like disabling adverts on a popular video series is an ineffective way of money-grubbing, but it's all part of her nefarious plan.
I have yet to see any real criticism of her videos, generally people strawman her and make the "money grubbing" claim without evidence.
I assume you're trolling because that woman has been almost universally praised for her thorough treatment of the subject, while Kotaku commenters' responses have universally cemented their reputation as among the most adolescent, idiotic communities when it comes to gender issues and games.
"I really like how feminists cling to the 'it's been done to us for generations before and now it's our turn' excuse."
No, her overall message is that it's OK for women to be saved as long as a) they have plenty of other diverse representations beyond damsel and b) men share the role too. The problem is that as a whole women in games are overwhelmingly presented as victims with relatively few positive or empowering roles, as well as…
Money grubbing as in she asked people for donations and THEN THEY GAVE HER THE DONATIONS. Totally gold diggin' huh?
"When people see feminism as just a bunch of whiny women making a problem of nothing, it makes the ones who are actually decent people look bad"
"I'd have no problem if feminism as a movement remained internally consistent. They don't, and I hate hypocrites."
Since when does a "role model" have to exist only for children? As a grown man, there are plenty of role models in my life that continue to inspire and demonstrate to me how a good man ought to live his life, treat women, treat his family and friends, etc.
This reminds me of a NBA star who claimed "I'm not a role model for kids. Don't make me a role model. I'm not." His teammate took him aside and said, "the moment you put on that jersey, step out on the floor, and a young kid admires you for what you can do, yes, you absolutely become a role model."
No, but it was a polite and respectable thing to do, especially because it is a sore subject for many people and a cultural problem that requires a certain level of sensitivity. He did the right thing, regardless of whether it was necessary or not.
Get ready for a flood of mansplaining and white dude tears in the comments.