
because Page Six clicked publish, and then i clicked publish

We looked up 7,243 professors and found 3,623 to be registered Democratic and 314 Republican, for an overall D:R ratio of 11.5:1.

Of all the blood and guts Hannibal, the only thing I’m actually surprised with is the fact that they somehow managed to hang a copy of Francois Boucher’s Leda and the Swan (aka, the blowjob à la swan) in Hannibal’s dining room and it didn’t trigger the censors.

Fuck John McCain.

But perhaps McCain’s illness will encourage some rigorous self-reflection, and at last, a change of heart. Perhaps he’ll realize that in his last years, he could take a meaningful stand against his increasingly brutal party—and help to save lives in the process.

I’m not hopeful. But even my stubborn proud ass would like to be proven wrong on this.

I would never have guessed that from your name.

Maybe I’m just a bitter, mean-spirited person, but I cannot fucking stand these books.

I haven’t read the article yet, but I wanted to post this since Saturday.

If anyone would like to join me, I’ll be starting my own reenactment group, where we spend one weekend a year dressing up like the Taliban and reenacting 9/11 and the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. All these people will be totally cool with it, right? It’s just keeping history alive, right??

Avril has Lyme disease? More like Lame disease, am I right? No? I’m not right? It’s actually Lyme disease? Oh, that sounds serious. I hope she has a speedy recovery.

It seems that we, as a species, have just unlocked a new level of drunkenness.

I know you're joking, but rumors are flying that Howard the Duck is in Guardians of the Galaxy.

Yes, I think it matters at great deal.

"Bisexuality isn't important to the character of John Constantine"

Of course Constantine's bisexuality isn't pivotal to his character. At the same time, neither is the straightness of 99% of straight characters out there. The problem here is that we're still assuming a default, and considering the alternative only if it "matters".

Wills aren't read until probated, weeks or months after your funeral... Don't put any of your funeral wishes in it, stick them on the fridge or pinned to your hospital gown.


"What have I always believed? That on the whole, and by and large, if a man lived properly, not according to what any priests said, but according to what seemed decent and honest inside, then it would, at the end, more or less, turn out all right."