Someone from the internet cares so much about you she just went and looked it up for you. You're welcome!
Someone from the internet cares so much about you she just went and looked it up for you. You're welcome!
Yup. When I saw this headline on The Atlantic I did a mental eye roll. Yeah, we should know some of these things, but it's always presented as men being people and women being different types of people who affect the normal people and change the default dynamic. Or whatevs.
Charlotte: you are a hero.
This lady is awesome but I can't help but feel sad that this much action needed to be taken against the backlash that could have resulted from her daughter's SINGLE VISIBLE BREAST.
ill be honest, I havent made it through the entire article but I needed to shed some light...
Hotness. A standard that is never ever totally subjective.
In an interview, he said he missed his cue b/c he was starstruck by Kermit the Frog.
This was the point of the trailer right?
This is very very very good but between this and the Cookie Monster thing I am genuinely worried that Hiddles is going to come in and sex up all my favorite childhood things. It's... confusing.
1. Yay Muppets!
I feel Jezebel will be interested in something that was featured in the UK trailer for this movie:
I was JUST going to post that!!! I swear I saw a Hiddles.
Yes. Talk about cuteness overload.
Did I see Tom Hiddleston in there?!
I've always loved the Muppets, and my 9 year old is jazzed on them now too, can't wait to see this with her!
I don't think I've liked a trailer this much in, well, ever.