AssFault on the Highway to Hell

SIGNAL BOOST! It’s like the fashion world is addicted to the stuff! It’s disgusting. I’ve never had to be so mindful of labels on clothing before. When I first started buying my own clothing, polyester was a faux pas because of its deserved association with 70s leisure suits. Now it’s everywhere, feels awful, and I

Modcloth is currently road testing a brick and mortar concept, involving private shopping experiences(!), and it recently came to town. Watch and see if it comes your way because, imho, plus size was built into the offerings in a very pleasing way.

Honest question: what would happen to a West Point cadet if (s)he displayed NRA decals in their quarters? On their car? In photographs? On social media?

That particular version is what I was watching when I finally understood death at the age of five. After the show was over, I wept for the somewhat recent death of my great grandmother. My parents didn't know what to do with me, I was inconsolable.

Happy to say they still let me in but only because I divorced flat cap coke fiend ages ago.

YASSSSSSSS. That's gotta be a photoshop filter thing. I'll see if I can work some magic...

Step 1: Crop out everything to the right of and including the ATM.

Where you could buy THE BEST jeans for like $20!

All the mamas know, hands down.

Happy Fun?

Their parents really shouldn't let their kids watch old Seinfeld reruns...

Always. 😆

I swear this article has sucked me into a time vortex. I’m texting all my old friends... Gah!


Definitely were supposed to be forbidden at mine! I had one daring-as-hell friend who did it anyway— HOT PINK SATIN— and with pink sparkly pompons in her hair, too. Nothing happened to her. We all had a great time!

My eyeballs looked at this issue for so, so long in 1995 that I have everything posted here vaguely memorized, coded in emotions about how sad I was the style show wasn’t coming anywhere near my hometown (nothing ever did), how my mom would never let me wear 80% of those dresses, even down to which of those boys in

5 minutes of not listening to me shouldn’t have sent me down a pointless bunny trail to make me thousands of dollars lighter, but you have a valid point that only serves to validate mine. If Dr’s only have five mins to spend with me to help me figure out why SOMETHING HURTS VERY BADLY, I really don't feel I should be

As someone who lives with chronic pain, and does woefully little about it because the last endeavor to diagnose cost me my entire $6k deductible (insurance is a fucking joke), it’s amazing how you can be like, here, Dr, the pain is RIGHT HERE, you can feel the hard lump where the pain is residing, right here! And the

We must never forget that, as women, we can never ever be perfect, but we must invest heavily in the pursuit.

I got dysentery two weeks ago from one. It'll be a long time before I eat one again, but dammit, I will eat one again someday. Such delicious self loathing...