In what would be an “epic win” for both Lin-Manuel Miranda and the deeply embarrassing BuzzFeed Slack room dedicated…
In what would be an “epic win” for both Lin-Manuel Miranda and the deeply embarrassing BuzzFeed Slack room dedicated…
This is straight fuckery. I asked Siri right after I read that first article how tall Barbara Bush was and Siri said four feet tall.
I think listing the original parts would be a shorter list.
The percentage of LGBTQ characters expected to appear as series regulars on primetime broadcast TV during the…
Climbing on top of a overstuffed orange sack of rancid pork scraps, you mean.
Someone go back and tell her that her future entails climbing on top of a disgusting old orange man for a living.
I’ve made the same assumption and figured, “oh, they’re like Abercrombie or whatever, they don’t want bigger girls in their clothes; guess I’ll take my fat ass and my money elsewhere...” I’m not sure I’d ask, even knowing they might keep more sizes in the back, because if they don’t want to display bigger sizes, it’s…
I agree with you. But it’s a bit like saying, “We respect all cultures, so we provide menus in Spanish!” when the neighborhood has become majority Spanish-speaking.
I mean, clearly obesity and any associated health issues it may have for people is an issue (especially for children) but that’s an entirely separate problem that needs to be addressed and has nothing to do with improving a person’s shopping experience. Clearly, we need to do something collectively as a culture to…
Most retailers already do this with men’s sizes. This and that male hormone birth control is really pissing me with off right now. Fuck.
I have a four-year-old daughter, and I’m honestly terrified of her getting older because of this, because of misogyny, because of everything.
I hope the school administrators, the bullies, and the bullies’ parents live with this guilt until their dying days. Kids think this behavior is ok because someone models it for them.
“But, but, but...it’s not the gun’s fault. If a person wants to kill themselves they’ll find a way to do it.”
Also, fuck you people who espouse that logic.
Fuck you people who keep your guns ”hidden.”
Goddammit, lock that shit up in a gun safe and the bullets some place else.
As are fake Bernie-bro trolls.
Who doesn’t like mustard on hot dogs?
honestly? it was an absolutely delightful ad.
I enjoyed that probably more than I should have.