AssFault on the Highway to Hell

An 18 year old TC in that getup. Scrawny legs and all. GROSS.

About 20 years ago, my teenage best friend, who lived down the street, was staying with us while her parents were out of town for a couple weeks. Naturally, her empty house was a sitting duck for some shenanigans. We snuck out, had her boyfriend pick us up (we were only 15, he was 16), went and picked up my boyfriend,

They had to have switched 8 and 10.

Yeah, I’m not looking forward to my tot going to elementary school for this exact reason.

“...and if they don’t forgive me then THEY’RE GOING TO HELL NOT ME”

Please stop describing my entire life.

That’s going on my reading list.

Yeah it’s absolutely common knowledge. Not sure why they aren’t getting nailed for it like those other brands mentioned above...

Um, if y’all lawyers wanna bring down a handbag company rhyming with Roach Feather Woods that does the same exact thing, I’m sure a number of disgruntled employees would be happy to come forward (for a not-so-discounted price.) Yoohoo! Hi there!

Indeed it does, and swiftly.


Reminds me of:

Aw rats! I was about to get you a rad local friend connection!!! Oh well, you’re following me on Twitter now, and I’m sometimes hilarious... when I’m not ranting about random stuff. ;)

If you actually live in Halifax, my cousin is a firefighter there and he’s FREAKING HILAROUS.

Ugh, me too. I actually had to dust off an old account for this, anonymitize it a l’il, and I’m already back to my old habits. But laughing 100x more daily makes it sorta worth it.

TWITTER. We’ve been assembling on Twitter as of last week. It’s like Kinja unfiltered mainline over there now. Find me, find the rest, because I will miss you particularly if you don’t!

I probably won’t comment over on Wonkette via disqus, but I will ALWAYS start refreshing Wonkette repeatedly at 9:59am Central on Mondays.

*Show her* by changing your password.