AssFault on the Highway to Hell

My dad’s for me = “imp,” but also “punkin,” so he wasn’t always a turd.

Oh, jiminyxmas, I got the white dress comment for my first wedding too. Wore ivory even though it looks terrible on a pale girl.

I got married (the first time) at the tender age of 19. It was totally normal where I’m from, and my sister that young also and my brother married someone that young. Plus, all four parents, mine and my ex’s were that young— or younger— when they got married, and in both their situations, they were 2+ months pregnant.

Yeah, I’ve shaved my head twice. The first time was a cry for help. The second time wasn’t, I just remembered how good it felt the first time and really felt like doing it. Anyway, I got teased a lot the first time (I was a cute girl in college, and many people felt the need to communicate their disapproval) and what

You hit every point so spot on and so hard. Best of luck with moving on and moving right on up. XOXO

YES. That one particularly had me rofl.

I’m facepalming myself. BECAUSE OF COURSE! It’s been so long since I’ve even thought about that dude.

Have you seen their new show yet?! It’s like no time has passed.


Millihelen. Guh! That hurts!

Agreed. I will go where it goes. They literally have shuttered everything I regularly read on here. I’m in shock.

YEAH WTF. Kitchenette is like 90% of why I’m even here... and I know I’m not alone.

WTF is going on?! ARE YOU OK?!

Oh god... no. No.

Sun, Moon, AND Stars.

No, it’s Guadalajara!

YES. My mom has a special little crystal dish she puts it on, and slices it into 1/4’’ disks, with a little silver hors d’oeuvres spoon, and it looks so elegant! She also serves the real stuff but those of us who require the jelly get, like, presentation.


Forever immortalizing the moment the word “couture” began to mean absolutely the opposite of its original meaning as it was sewn upon millions of sweatpants asses by Chinese factory workers.