The Guacamole Safety Council has officially ruled on this as UNSAFE.
The Guacamole Safety Council has officially ruled on this as UNSAFE.
Husband also guilty. His list also includes Adam Saddler. And...
I donated actual $$ to a local charity in Austin that was supposed to go toward housing Syrian refugees here. NOW WTF DO I DO?! Gov Abbott better write me a check.
A lot of people have kids for shitty reasons and don't care to raise them with any effort to become nice citizens. Those kids far outnumber the kids whose parents care.
PS that was 100% me at Grand Canyon. Thank god no cameras.
Oh yeah! That too!
This is the best thing I've read in forever!!! My husband and I just passed those photos back and forth and laughed until our sides hurt. Great story, just great stuff!
I just wanna hug you so much.
SAME. So hard. Cannot explain.
I truly feel your pain. Dad and brother buddy up and it's time to pick on the womenfolk. They've softened with age but ugh the memories...
Not sure but if that lady had any idea what I was currently putting up with at my job and at home, she should have/would have congratulated me for holding myself relatively together!
Yes indeed! And I hope you're like me and have found a spot to land where you truly fit. If I cried at work now my boss and coworkers would rally the troops and ready the pitchforks for the bastard who hurt me. Love em.
Agreed, although I’m a repeat offender on inappropriate crying. It’s gotten easier to manage with age.
I met a lovely guy fresh out of my first marriage I kid you not the very same day I bought my tickets to move from Texas to Washington state. My friends took me out for drinks to celebrate and whomp there he was, and struck up a riveting conversation with me. We became inseparable that night for months...
I cry at parades and I cannot help but feel this is a related reaction!
I cried in an interview too! Lady wasn’t being mean but she was really, really pressing into some very personal stuff regarding my reasoning for moving across the country (fresh start after a divorce.) I tried to be as diplomatic and “just the facts” as I could but she just. Kept. Digging. It was like being on Barbara…
their parents’ choices
Yeah I am truly in shock with some of the stuff that goes on at her preschool, yet I talk to other moms of kids that age and they’re full of similar stories. Kids today aren’t like the kids we were. It’s rather jarring.
YEP. Have a beyond-beautiful elegant older sister, and getting compared to her all my life has me always considering myself as “The Ugly One,” because that’s exactly how I was raised to think of myself. I look in the mirror and see a woman who looks just fine, but that stuff that winds its way through your ears at…