AssFault on the Highway to Hell

So what you’re saying is...

I daresay there’s correlation as well as causation. It sets a culture of “screwing off on our time is ok, because we’re going to make obscene demands of yours.”

“False hustle.” Love that term. Yes.

There’s a saying that emerged in the Austin area post dot-com bubble: “Beware the ping pong table.” It means if the job mentions the ping pong or foosball or, worst of all, pool table in the posting, run away screaming, because that means those of us who actually want to get something done in a day will constantly be

I only know about it from some listicle I read when I was pregnant, like “10 things you didn’t know you’re not supposed to eat or drink while pregnant.”

But here’s what I’d never do: comment that information on a celebrity’s Instagram, or be the least bit judgmental to anyone about what they eat. I’d never be all “YOU DONT CARE FOR YOUR UNBORN YOU CHAMOMILE DRINKER!”

Right? Like, it’s nice to know, to be informed, even if YMMV.

Fair enough!

Ugh. That’s horrible. Can’t blame you.

All true, what you’re saying.

I posted links to Livestrong and Parents elsewhere in-thread. I’m not trying to be a harpy, I swear. I’m a big fan of chamomile and had no idea, and was grateful to know that one of my favorite beverages carries a risk of miscarriage, which I had not known before I was pregnant. Again, if you were sitting there with a


Oh honey. Just wait til it’s born. You think everyone has an opinion now...

Google is riddled with conflicting information, but both livestrong and Parents Magazine say it’s not safe to drink too regularly. It’s like, wow, good to know, because I would have assumed NO RISK whatsoever, because, hey, it’s freaking chamomile!

Yeah! There’s a nuance here I’m not capturing in my original comment but thank you for getting what I mean anyhow. Like, if one of my pregnant friends was drinking coffee or having a small glass of wine I’d be like, eh, her decision, because yeah everyone generally knows that’s a risk. But chamomile?! It’s a pretty

The only policing, nay, informing I feel should be done is if a pregnant woman is unknowingly eating something that is more harmful than it looks. A lot of things like that surprised me, like chamomile tea, which can cause fetal abnormalities. Chamomile tea!!! I mean, if I didn’t happen upon that information, I might

Re: Taco Bell “Spatin.”

Going out on a big limb for the big win. I’m betting “no soup for you” because “just because doors close at a certain time people already there should be allowed to finish their food!”

It didn’t matter which bus I took home, or what time I got home, my roommate swore my dog knew I was coming home 15 minutes before I got there every time. We assumed he could hear the bus I took, dropping me off a little over a mile away, each time.

Oh and I do like it exactly how they serve it. Mmmmm.