AssFault on the Highway to Hell

I want Rickie Lee Jones to write a song about it.

OMFG... so, when I first saw one of their locations, I was dating my husband at the time, and was new in town, and I said, “Awwww! Let’s go eat there! I bet they serve awesome pie and coffee!!!”

That’s only going to work if the store itself doesn’t require you to keep a paper trail (meaning, all of your receipts dating back to the original cash, debit, or credit card transaction) to present at the return. If they ask for all of that, they will see what you’re up to in black and white.

Also, as far in the past as 10+ years ago with what would now be considered antiquated systems, major department stores do keep records and a close eye on “habitual returners.” In my fairly short time at a major department store chain, I had to blacklist two people!

As an employee of the retail industry, I disagree with your methods but I understand your approach. Any negativity I felt when seeing the headline was immediately dropped when I got to the part where you discouraged abuse of the clerks and acceptance if one doesn’t get their way. Thanks for including that, because


While I really want these anti-harassment speakers to have a voice and a venue anywhere they can, SXSW is not an event anyone, least of all its planning committee, could ever have control over.

Yes to all of this. I made the mistake of watching last night’s episode at bedtime, in fact in bed, and had to get extra blankets because it literally gave me the chills.

We had a barn cat when I was a kid that we referred to as a “minipanther,” a sleek blue-black hulking muscular creature that hunted jackrabbits for fun. Speaking of barn cats though, it's totally normal for those to get huge.

Your homework this weekend is to either watch (good) or read (better) “A Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood. Run, don’t walk.

One of them being the lovely Mr TED CRUZ.

I wanna be your mama when I grow up!

I’d love for my internet anonymity to invite a l’il fiction here, but I must admit it was a Flametrick Subs show in the very early aughts, alas, not a Dead Milkmen show.

No, I won’t be volunteering that information.

Ah, idiots at the bar...

Well, I’m not drawn to the film itself so much as I am to the cult that’s grown around it. I’m hearing you out, though... I may give it a rewatch but only after the theater experience.


Alamo Drafthouse is my friend. They serve all manner of booze.