AssFault on the Highway to Hell


You’re speaking my language! I’m a huge MSTie. I know I’m going to like this, because when I tell friends who know me well that I’m a Rocky Horror virgin, they’re shocked.

I was going to dress very innocently and conservatively. White kneesocks. Long skirt. Buttoned cardigan. Is this a good or bad idea?

A live showing at a proper indie theater, with fully-initiated friends. I wouldn’t have it any other way, which explains why I’ve waited so long!

Have you also made “y’all” contagious among your non-Texan friends? That’s a thing. My Seattle friends find themselves saying y’all when I’m around and throw a funny little fit. It’s great!

Um... y’all?

Awww, Kristin! I’m a Texas girl, too, and I relocated to Seattle quite a few years ago, having lived in ole Tejas my whole life, knowing absolutely NO ONE but my Craigslist housemate, and her only via email. Talk about massive culture shock.


On the contrary, this is the opposite of the “me first”/ “that’s my ball”/ “fuck you” entitlement I’ve been seeing pop up all over corporate America. Once we understood where he was coming from, he understands now that in this context, it’s okay to be competitive. It’s nice to know that sharing is the default for this

Melons are great for this, and they keep you hydrated!

Errrrrrr... sure! Just not an awesome MIL. I’ll save that story for another day, but yeah, she did a good job on raising the hubs.

Story of hope— my husband coaches professionally and as a volunteer. Right now, he’s coaching soccer to a team of preschoolers. Some of the kids are just allstars. I don’t know how that works, but it’s certainly not gendered. Both boys and girls on the team are showing a massive proclivity to the sport. Anyway, one of

I’m doing that silent laughcrying thing in my cubicle RN. My coworkers have no idea I’m dying of stifled laughter.

You really need to unfriend my MIL like whoa.

Two things I have a million of right now:

Quite true!

YES. The hubs and I became purposely dorky and weird and decidedly uncool (almost) without effort once I popped out the babe, for this reason! And our cool pre-parent exploits shall remain secret until her 18th birthday...

I have tried it! I can literally say I’ve hauled groceries up a hill in freezing rain two miles. It’s hell. I had to devise a tool to keep from having grocery-laden plastic bags from cutting the circulation to my fingers.

I’ve also found that a phone call works wonders. It’s hard to keep track of all the collectors you need to call, but when I went through some extremely rough financial problems a couple years ago, I was on the phone constantly and all of the billing dept folks were helpful and had a ready plan.