AssFault on the Highway to Hell

I just tried to tag myself on that image. Happy Friday!

I think we can all agree that cyclists need to GTFO THE DAMN SIDEWALKS. GEEEEEZ...

I was just reading an article about how Coronado, California is also protesting bike lanes because the extra lane paint resembles “graffiti” and is unsightly. SIGH.

I didn't know they made men that hot anymore. DAYUMMM.

HERBFARM!!! How could I forget?!

I was tangentially an attendee of Seattle’s “Gypsy” (or “Vagabond”) dining experiences, and that sounds like similar magic. I miss having access to stuff like that, but where I live, I’m largely disconnected from the foodie scene.

ME TOO! I will come find you and compare results. I seriously don’t mind trying anything once.

You... complete... me...

Everything you said in this comment, I relayed to my husband in conversation last night. I TRULY WISH I had thought to get a reaction video. I shit you not, he went through all five stages of grief— denial, bargaining, anger, depression, and acceptance— within about one minute of receiving this information.

Of all times for Kara to retire Shade Court!!!

I heard. I’m in mourning today.

I’m pretty sure the Stranger used a similar term to describe it, but yes, that’s the notion!

MY GODS that place is gorgeous!

These shenanigans call for FISTICUFFS!

All good arguments. I still hate frostee fries.

Oh DAMMIT! There were others though! Wish I could be better help but I moved away right about the time places like it were becoming a thing.

Elemental. As long as it hasn’t changed since I left. Or god forbid closed

I know! Best part is all yall showing yourselves only to be SHAMED! Muhahahahahaha :P

You are kind of assuming that no one else would have stumbled into this somewhat large land mass in the ensuing 500+ years

She and Tony broke up shortly after their breakout single, and she kept wearing ‘em. She was still wearing them when she started dating Gavin.