I saw this too and thought, Awwww... they found a home!
I saw this too and thought, Awwww... they found a home!
Ok I generally hate sour cream, especially the industrial shit they serve at restaurants. But the Horizon Organics they sell at the grocery store? I could eat (and I HAVE EATEN) that sour cream with a spoon. Hell yes I would put that on a brownie. I’m going to do that the next chance I get.
I took an actual Rock and Roll course at a public university in Texas taught by a lily white guy, and that is exactly what we were taught.
As long as there are more competent people than morons we’re OK.
Was this in Austin? If so, name of the place, please? I’d love that!
Bacon jam now has its own food group.
I put honey in my espresso with cream, every morning. Just a dab’ll do ya. It’s a perfect hint of sweet.
OHhh, great point. I recently had a burger topped with jalapeno honey and that actually was pretty darn good.
Tastes nasty too. Yeah, I tried it, for Science.
Reminds me of that barista plaque: “Unattended children will be given espresso and a free kitten.”
I stand with you, JayBird. Candy Corns and the li’l pumpkins made from basically the same stuff. We don’t have to be popular to be right.
Caramel IV drip.
I put bacon on my toast & jam, so I get the whole sweet and salty thing, but grape jelly on pizza just sounds horrible on all five sensory levels, even sound. I’d try it for Science, but I’m crazy like that.
There are a few restaurants like this in Seattle. No menus, you eat what we give you, you drink what we give you, you communicate your medically-necessary dietary restrictions ahead of time but otherwise hold your peace. They aren’t cheap, either. It’s nothing short of glorious.
Seconded. CA Pinkham’s rankings are the reason for every season.
It’s gotta be the same woman! There cannot be two. Please for the luvva...
Where’s your Buggs Bunny gif now, punks?
All the stars.
Oh yeah, though, controversial ones always come back!