
110 more good years... plus 6 or 7 bad ones? Maybe he’s younger and expecting a few years of decline at the end.

In 1962, it wasn’t just an outdated trope that middle-aged women often lied about their actual age. In the absence of other evidence, especially in the context of a television sitcom, there is no reason to assume that Jane Jetson was 33 simply because she told her children so; even they probably weren’t fooled. Was

This is the crazy thing.  If people are leaving these services in droves, shouldn’t their overhead costs decrease, resulting in either static prices, or price reductions due to competition?  Yet every year DirecTV keeps upping their rates.. I still enjoy some compelling content like Live Sports and a much easier

Another reason why he may have been passed up for a job is because people *hate* working with self entitled jerks.

Meanwhile, inside the patrol car...

Also depending on how many windows, size, type of shades, etc. $30k really isn’t as crazy as it sounds for a 6000sq ft space.

For everyone linking to the ADL blog article stating that this is not a white supremacist symbol, I included a tweet from the guy WHO WROTE THAT ARTICLE. He acknowledged that the symbol has come to represent white supremacy. 

Gizmodo: “Please disable your ad-blocker so we can keep giving you important news and articles

They lost the right to say that in 2000 when they supported the Federal government telling Florida how to run their recount.

Republicans: We believe in _________.*”

Republicans - “We believe in states rights.*”

CARB was created to regulate CA’s emissions. Other states signed on because they wanted to follow the same standards. Has nothing to do with CA wanting to control the country.

This feature is cool, but the implementation is disappointing. I’m thinking the Hue base has a mic built in for sound sync—-maybe it could tie to the Internet to recognize what movie is playing and sync TV video that way?

One thing that’s really annoying with the Echo is how specific you must be when telling it to turn on/off lights. Even if you just make it plural (living room lights vs living room light), it doesn’t accept the command.

We don’t deserve something as amazing as Legion. If it ends now honestly I won’t be sad because it’s a miracle we got it in the first place.

I’ll be really sad if Altered Carbon gets cancelled. It’s got SO much potential.

Obviously you didn’t get to Madhusudan Katti’s section....

Yeah right? I can probably find a dozen apps that have the framework of that functionality, if not the exact feature. You pick an image. Twitter detects it is too big and gives a prompt saying “choose portion of image for preview” and has a rectangle overlay where the image looks normal, anything out of the rectangle

I feel like this is the foundation for a Seinfeld episode where George wants to go to space to gain 3 inches of height.