
6. I saved us bazillions on the next batch of F-35's!

Claims to.

Seriously, we cannot allow neo-Nazis to move the goalposts of reasonable beliefs.

The article didn’t explain it very well, but currently the “While in use” option is only available if the app makes it available, so an app might choose not to offer you that option. In iOS 11, it’s available for every app no matter if the developer offered it or not.

I already have location tracking restricted to “just while in use” for a whole bunch of apps in iOS 10. What is different about this in 11?

He qualifies it by saying to hunt down radicalized Muslims (once identified), not every Muslim. Its one thing to post a stupid Facebook post (which it is), its another to post a stupid news article based on a willful misreading. Isn’t this what we were excoriating the alt-right for during the election?

But what if it’s just in German?

Impressive video, but if I may:

I’m pretty sure that I could not love Gillian Anderson more. Except I keep saying that, and she keeps giving me reasons to.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure he has an iron-tight pre-nup. But let’s face it; if she really wants shitloads of money, she could file for divorce and have a $15 million book advance within 24 hours and a $30 million film advance with a week.


The body obviously isn’t a computer per say, but for many applications it can be treated as such.

Is it me, or is this a very unbalanced article? It’s an opinion that’s supported by cherry picking evidence. Where are the counterexamples? Brain implants that exist today to inhibit parkinson’s tremor; to prevent certain kinds of seizures?Why aren’t we given information on both opposing views so we can make up our

This is 100% right, and the reason I haven’t been able to cord-cut just yet. (I have DirecTV’s DVR, not TiVo, but same ideas.) I also DVR a lot of live sports so that I can “catch up” if I start watching late, FF through commercials, go back and watch cool parts, etc. Until streaming can do that, I’m not sure it’s

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