
It’s so weird that Ballmer is doing this and Gates is eradicating malaria, but Jobs — and his total devotion to consumerism — is the one we’re supposed to love.

This is such a nerdy article, going into such ridiculous levels of detail. I absolutely love it. More like this, please :)

I don’t care where I work. If I receive any such images, I’m going to the police immediately. In the US even unwittingly receiving them is a crime. I suspect Facebook expected links to it’s own website which they could then scan with some image recognition program, and what they received was child porn in the damn

Making money is not the opposite of good.

That’s not what public vs private means. Public means owned by the government like USPS. Private means not owned by the government.

What’s wrong “health ranger”? Don’t like how a private company intend not to list your sites? Capitalism sure is a bitch huh?

Can anyone explain to me what’s wrong with being a globalist?

He’s only actually infallible when he’s officially declaring it infallible with the right “letterhead” so to speak. It’s something he has to invoke specifically and it’s actually QUITE rare. Very few popes even do it once.

You know DAMN WELL this isn’t about some damn children.

^This. This article hurts to read because it doesn’t add anything to the discussion. It’s just negativity without providing any useful context for the author’s viewpoint. What does the author feel makes for good office space in NYC? I can’t even tell if the author is in favor or against more office space in general.

Totally agree. I’m really confused by this article, because I actually like the design even if it’s not perfect. It’s head and shoulders above what almost any other city would invest into an innovative space for tech startups and learning, and I think the exterior design has a great balance of ‘refined’ and ‘playfully

One can only assume Eve has never seen a prison, and doesn’t actually know what they are...

Other than dystopian fantasy movies, where do prisons look like that?

The snarkiness quotient in this piece is so high that I can’t tell if Eve does or does not think this is a good idea. There does seem to be some complaint about the architecture, but there are no specifics given. Any future users will probably worry more about the number of electrical outlets and bathrooms. Maybe we

I think it looks wonderful.

It looks better than most buildings in NYC.

I loved it. One of the only times I paid the surcharge for 3D and felt it was totally worth it.

Still think, for all its faults, Prometheus looked gorgeous and had an excellent cast.