
The article you took that quote from has nothing to do with predicting anything. It’s entirely about the problems with polls and how Trump was running his campaign. That specific sentence is talking about how the media was jumping on the Trump bandwagon and that they weren’t buying it.

In his own words, they don’t make predictions. They just analyze trendlines to tell you what the polls are saying. He has said repeatedly he’s not in the business of making predictions.

Is this a back-handed way of getting that story back up?

“[E]verything depends on one’s assumptions, but I think that our assumptions—a Clinton lead, sure, but high uncertainty—has repeatedly been validated by the evidence we’ve seen over the course of the past several months,” Silver told Politico in a story published today. “The idea that she’s a prohibitive, 95

it’s just a picture of legs that cuts to an image of a man standing in a burning house and he has a goat head and his eyes are the black of the void and then it cuts back to an image of legs with paint on them and then it’s the goat headed man and he’s closer to the foreground and I can smell sulfur and then it cuts

Aww, c’mon. They’ve got to allow you access to tons of virtual holes as retribution for removing a physical one. I think it’s awfully nice of them.

No. Just pop out your hard drive and donate your computer if you really want to dispose of it.

“To this day, about 64 percent of US web surfers use Google as their primary search engine.”

Sounds like it did well for it’s maiden voyage.

Probably because you were taking a money bath you sexy beast.

yeah, umm

Counterpoint: go ahead and pee in the pool. It’s fine.

well said!

Agreed. Plus maybe don’t name your kid “Scorpius,” which all but guarantees he’ll be grouped into the evil house.

Hufflepuff would always be the stoner house. Firstly, their name is Hufflepuff. Secondly, there’s a reason the herbology professor is in charge of them.

The Four Rules

Dang it, Meg Whitman. Don’t make me try to like you.

Richard Lawson is among the three greatest things Gawker Media has ever produced.

lol woah, that’s an overreaction. Lawson is of the good ones, I’d say. Awkward turns of phrase happen. That doesn’t mean you need to read sinister intentions into them.