
She always said that there’d been one phone call, just that it never included talking about the offending line or playing the song for her, which according to the leaked videos still stands as true.

He’s Bi you guys. Bi people exist. He’s Bi. In one timeline he had a long term partnership with a woman, in this one he did so with a man. He’s Bi. We don’t need to bring quantum physics and causality into this. He’s Bi.

wow, somebody has been drinking the google milk

Wait, is this the guy that lost his job to the guy that he previously fired? Anyway, what part of what he said implied that the Apple Watch is lame? He just said it needs more utility.

That doesn’t actually help a slow phone, but I concur that it’d be nice.

Where to even begin with this shit article?

I personally am campaigning against the requirements for tail lights and reflectors on cars, it’s car blaming.

Yeah no. If you decide to wear dark grey pants, a black hoodie and then jay walk at night. You are deliberately taking your life into your hands. I think the only reason why I haven’t hit anybody is I tend to imitate a wheeled slug when I’m driving residential.

I thought it was common sense that if you wear dark clothes at night, you’re harder for motorists to see. I’m really surprised that this is being viewed as “victim blaming”. The poster in this article, to me, doesn’t look like anything more than reminder to be careful and make sure you can be seen.

The point of her legal action isn’t just to not record with him, but with any part of Sony Music.

I learned about the effects of toxoplasmosis a few years ago, and did a little more research in to the various kinds of parasites that can change the behavior of their hosts. Pretty scary stuff. I think there’s a strong chance that toxoplasmosis has an effect on the behavior of humans, and it’s sort of shocking how

Yes. I’m only allowed to complain about one thing per year, and this is my thing.

I’m upset that I was snubbed in the nature category yet again. This is Pulitzer Prize winning stuff:

Why do we believe that providers will just eat the loss and not shift it to massive rate hikes?

I’d say that they are about even, celebrity-wise. Neither has starred in any big budget films, but both have starred in smaller successful television shows (Californication for Duchovny, Hannibal and The Fall for Anderson). So it’s still pretty bullshit they would offer her less.

They’re just trying to be authentic to the original series. They want to get everything accurate, right down to the bullshit 1990s sexism.

I think he’s more saying that they bonded over something they had in common, of being a bit of outsiders.